Chapter 1 - Introduction.

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((Mike's POV. This will also be the same POV used throughout the book unless stated otherwise.))

      My name is Mike Alexander Zephyr. I am a wolf/husky mix dressed in punkwear with sky blue eyes and red and white fur. My arms have their own markings that look like a tribal DNA strand-styled marking, if you ignore the cuts on them as well as the countless abuse marks left on my back thanks to my brother. I have lived in New York City for all of my entire life. Nothing much has changed here over the years. People and furs alike are still selfish assholes looking for ways to benefit off of others, which is why I don't trust anybody in any sort of manner. If I want to do something, it's only for myself. I don't ask for help, though I may provide it through my vigilante job indirectly. I know it seems like I'm a selfish jerk myself, but... it's the only way to keep from getting stabbed in the back. It's the only way to get what you want without getting hurt.

Racing has been the only way for me to forget about my inner demons. I feel alive when I grip the wheel in my black, leather biker-gloved furred fingers for control while I am blazing at 200 miles per hour down the highway. I don't usually get the luxury to push my limits like that, but when I do... It reminds me that even if I find myself to be completely worthless, I still have some talents and skills of my own. It reminds me of what makes me... well, me. However, a new kind of racing has captured my attention lately.

You see, a television show has been spreading its advertisements all over the city, promising the "most action you could ever want", with "real explosions, real drivers, and real competition in a single package!" I'm not too sure if I believe it. Most television shows make very high promises, but then turn out to be nothing like what they advertised. Usually letting people down with how terrible their show is, and this doesn't even only apply to television, but to all sorts of online media in the modern age. It has turned into a boring and crappy cash grab for the big companies, and I hate it with a burning passion. That is one of the reasons why I chose to be a vigilante... to spit in these big corporations' faces when they treat us like we're their little wallets.

Anyway... Back to the topic of this recent surge of advertisements for a death race, the company sure has made an impact for popularity. Millions have been subscribing to this specific channel that promises a showcase like nobody has ever seen before. They even put up their own website with a signup page for those who dared to compete in the racing scene. Being the skeptical that I am, I chose to see this entire ordeal for myself and registered as a racer in the show. If this truly is exactly what they are saying it to be... well, I might not make it out in one piece. But at least I won't go out without a fight, right?

I also checked for the name of this racing series, and I must admit, it's got a ring to it. They call it "Split Second" Not sure what it stands for, but hey, it's not a bad name for the show.

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