Chapter Two

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Bill looked at the teacher and waited till he turned around, when he did so Bill turned and pulled his phone out of his bag, texting Dipper.

B- Hey, where are you, math has already started

Bill grew more worried when Dipper didn't respond, he shakely rose his hand, Yes Mr. Rephic?" "I need to use the restroom, please," Bill said, "Class just started-" He started saying but Bill interrupted him, "I know, but my locker was on the other side of the school, so I didn't have time to use the restroom, I'll be quick," The teacher shook his head, "Oh alright, here," The teacher gave him a pass. Bill hurriedly stood up and bolted out of the classroom, he heard a few giggles as he left, Where would he be? Bill thought to himself, he walked back over to the gym then turned down the hallways he saw Dipper go through, he noticed the classrooms were few here but that didn't deter him, as he continued he saw someone sitting at the end of the hallway. Bill jogged up to them and instantly recognized Dipper, he was sitting huddled on the floor, his hat on the floor squashed, he was crying but when he saw Bill he tried to wipe his tears away, "Dipper what happened to you?" Bill asked kneeling down and looking at Dipper, Dipper ignored his question and tried to stand, but his knees buckled. Bill bent down and grabbed his waist pulling him up, Dipper whimpered when he touched him, "Dipper, what happened," Dipper was putting most of his weight on Bill, "It's nothing, really," Dipper partially whispered, "This isn't nothing, you are clearly hurt," Bill started walking towards the office, picking up his hat, he was half carrying Dipper. Dipper was silent, once they got to the office Bill talked to the lady at the desk, "I was going to the restroom and I found my friend hurt, but he won't tell me what happened. Could you tell me where the nurses office is?" Bill asked rather politely, "Umm... Yeah, walk down there," She pointed, "And make a left then three doors down there is a door with a sign on it, that's where she is," The lady kept looking at them, "Okay, thanks," Bill said and headed off towards where it was, once they got there the nurse was reading a book, she was wearing a uniform with a name tag on it, Nurse Cat, the office was rather small but contained a dest, three chairs, four beds, a small restroom and a sink with a lot of cupboards full of who knows what, she looked up when she heard the door open. "Oh!" She exclaimed when she saw them, "What happened Dipper, Come here let's have a seat," Bill helped Dipper sit, then the nurse started questioning him, "What's wrong, what happened? Do you need ice?" She asked too many questions for Dipper to answer one so Bill stepped in, "He won't tell me what happened to him, all I know is that he was too hurt to get up and go to class," The nurse went and got an ice pack, "Here put this where it hurts," Dipper grabbed it and put it to his stomach, after a while Dipper spoke, "It was Gideon," Realization sprouted in her face, "Oh, why don't you lay down, you can skip this period if you like, I'll be over here reading if you need anything," She says sweetly, and Dipper shakely stands and walks over to the stiff nurse beds and lays down, Bill grabs the chair Dipper was previously sitting in and sets in next to where Dipper was laying, Dipper doesn't look him in the eye, "Dipper who is Gideon?" Dipper stays silent and then starts to explain, "He is this kid who I've known for a while, um he beats me up sometimes, and so then I come here, and get ice. This time he hit harder than he ever has, he was probably having a bad day. I was going to get up but umm he kicked my shins so I couldn't," Dipper said this all really fast then looked at Bill, Bill was speechless, Dipper had been beaten up a lot, and this time Bill hadn't known, Dipper looked back at his hands and then again toward Bill, "How long has this been going on?" Bill finally asks, Dipper ponders "I don't know a while I guess," Dipper replies slowly shrinking, he didn't want Bill to think he was weak so he didn't say 6 years, Bill was slowly getting really mad, this Gideon person thought that he could just hurt Dipper and there wouldn't be consequences, who did he think he was? Bill realized he was ringing his hands and looked down, he still had Dipper's hat in his hands, Pinetree, he quickly untwisted it and made it look the best he could then he set it atop Dipper's head, "Well that is going to stop, Pinetree, I won't let it happen again," Dipper knew Bill was just trying to comfort him so he didn't argue, instead he asked, "Pinetree?" Bill smirked, "Just a little nickname I thought up for you," Dipper looked up to met Bill's gaze full on, and he smirked too, "Okay, I am going to come up with one for you," Dipper thought for a moment, but was interrupted by the lunch bell. Dipper sat straight up and looked at Bill, "We should probably get going," Dipper said swinging his legs off of the side of the bed, and Bill stood up, Dipper had already forgotten that his legs were hurt so when he tried to stand he fell, luckily Bill was there and he helped Dipper stand better, "Thanks," Dipper said cheeks turning a light pink, "No problem," Bill replied helping Dipper walk out of the nurses office, they both waved and said goodbye to the nurse, heading for the cafeteria. When they entered, Bill looked around, it was crowded, practically overflowing with students, "Where are we supposed to sit?" Bill questioned, Dipper laughed, "I usually don't sit in here, I take refuge in the library after I get my lunch," Dipper explained, Bill nodded and they made their way for the lines, Bill hadn't gotten his ID badge yet so Dipper offered to get him one. Bill reluctantly obliged, then someone very springy and cheerful walked up behind them, "Hi Dip, who's this?" The newcomer questioned, Bill looked behind him and came face to face with a girl version of Dipper, "Oh, hey Mabel, this is Bill he is my friend, Bill this is my twin Sister Mabel," Mabel giggled and held out her hand, "Hi!" Bill shook her hand then later realised that it was covered in glitter, "Why are you holding his waist?" She asked giggling louder, Dipper flushed pink and detached himself from Bill, "I- We- It- Um..." Dipper was trying desperately to come up with an excuse, but Mabel saw right through him, "Don't worry Bro bro, your secret is safe with me!" Bill was watching this whole interaction very confused, Dipper quickly got his food and Bill did so too, and as they were paying for it the Cafeteria went silent and Bill saw Dipper visible tense, Bill craned his neck to try and see what made the students go silent and saw a tall, muscular, white hairs boy with three people behind him, he was dressed in a baby blue suit, while his goons were in red, green, and orange attire, after they walked in Bill saw the white haired boy walked up to an almost empty table and pick up a kid threw to the side then sitting in that seat, a few moments later everything got loud again and Dipper started moving again. Once their food was paid for, Dipper silently walked out of the cafeteria, and headed for the library, heading for the same table he was sitting at this morning. "Who was that?" Bill asked, and Dipper looked scared for a second, "That was Gideon," Dipper replied, taking a bite of his food, "Oh," was all Bill said for a while, "So, that was your sister?" Bill asked, "Yup that was my sister, she is..." Dipper said, then Bill butted in, "She is very energetic," Dipper laughed, "I guess you could say that," Bill smiled, he loved making Dipper laugh, "I have a rather odd question for you, why Dipper?" Bill asked then added, "It is a great name, it's just odd," Bill grew worried that he had hurt Dipper's feelings, Dipper smiled, "It's fine, it's because of this," Dipper said then wiped the hair in front of his forehead back revealing his birthmark, Bill sucked in a breath, then gently touched the stars, he quickly snatched his hand back realizing what he was doing, "S-sorry," Bill said looking at his food, Dipper laughed, he laughed, Bill looked up and saw the smaller boy laughing, "That by far was my favorite reaction to someone seeing my birthmark. You l-looked enchanted by it! Hahahaha" Dipper kept laughing and Bill blushed, Did I really look enchanted? Bill thought. He didn't find this funny at all while the boy in front of him was laughing so hard his eyes had started watering. After Dipper had calmed down he looked at Bill and smiled, "That was the highlight of my day! Thank you," Dipper said and Bill smiled, "Why was that so funny?" He asked very curiously, "Well most people just say 'Oh cool' or make fun of me, but you, you looked like it was the coolest thing ever, you had awe written all over your face, it was just funny for me. The part of me that I cursed, someone else thought was amazing," Dipper said the last part very quietly in a hope that Bill wouldn't hear, but he did, "Curse?" Bill asked, "Why would you curse it? It is so cool!" Dipper smiled weakly, "Yeah but when you differ from everyone else people make fun of you, so I always try to hide it," Dipper was poking at his lunch, and Bill watched him, "Oh, well I think it is really cool, but I get why you would hide it," Bill turned to his food and they sat there for a while slowly eating, "Would you like to come over and hang out after school?" Dipper suddenly asked, Bill visibly brightened at this, "Really?" He asked and Dipper pulled out his phone, "Yeah! Just let me ask my mom first," After a few minutes Dipper spoke up again, "You can come over, and we can have a sleepover if you want," Bill grinned, "I would love to, where should we meet after school?" Dipper thought for a moment, "Just come by my locker, this is going to be fun! Do you have to go home and get anything, or-" Dipper got cut off, "No, do you have extra blankets?" Bill asked hurriedly, he didn't want Dipper to see where he lived, when he told Dipper he lived in a bad neighborhood he meant BAD, his family had moved in only two weeks ago and they had been robbed thrice, nothing of value was taken but it was really scary, "I do, and we have a cot you can sleep on too," Dipper didn't notice Bill's attitude change, "Okay, well now I am really excited!! What are we even going to do?" Dipper asked, He had never had a friend over to his house before, "Um we could watch terrible shows, and eat a bunch of junk, and-" Beeeeeeeeeeeep They both shot up and threw their trash away hurrying to their next class, science. Dipper kept stumbling and Bill wanted to help him stand, but whenever he would go to help Dipper would move away, so he just watched as Dipper kept almost falling, not able to help. Dipper entered the classroom and walked to the back of the room and sat at an empty desk keeping his head low, Bill went over and sat next to him pulling out a notebook and a pen, Dipper just sat there not moving and Bill realized why, a few moments later Gideon walked in and looked around for Dipper then he walked over and saw Bill sitting in his seat, "Your sitting in my seat, freak," Dipper shuttered, Bill couldn't move, he didn't want Dipper to be left alone with Gideon, but he didn't want to see what happened if he didn't move, Gideon was standing there flexing his muscles, "Alright, freak, I'll let it slide this time, but on Monday I better get my seat back," Gideon said and he went and sat next to a blond girl, she stiffened, but acted as if she wanted him to sit there. Dipper glanced at Bill and smiled, "Thank you, I really appreciate you not letting him sit by me," Dipper said, relaxing a little and grabbing his notebook and pen. Their teacher walked in as the late bell was ringing, "Hello class, Today is question day!" He announced getting out a rather large box from under his desk, everyone started writing stuff down and putting it in the box, "Question day?" Bill asked Dipper, Dipper's eyes were bright, "It is the best day, our teacher puts out a box and we put all of our random science related questions in it, and then he picks them and answers as many as he can before the bell rings, it is really fun. If you have any questions in your head write them down, then go up there and put them in the box," Dipper said, his smile huge, "Oh, okay," Bill said only smiling because Dipper was, Hmm... what should I put... Bill looked around the room and thought for a moment, Dipper stood up with three folded papers and put them in the box returning grinning really wide, Hmm... his smile is nice, Without even thinking he put Why do we smile then folded it and walked up and put it in the box. Bill went and sat back down watching Dipper, "Bill?" Bill came back to the present, "Pinetree?" Bill asked, Dipper's cheeks turned a light pink at the use of his nickname, "Why are you staring at me?" He asks, Bill thought, he couldn't say 'because I like your smile' instead he said "I accidentally zoned out on you, sorry," Dipper smiled, "It's fine, I do that all the time," Bill smiled back, "Alright students! We are going to get started, any last questions?" He asked, getting more excited, one girl ran up there and put a paper in the box, "Okay, here we go," He sticks his hand in the box and pulls out a question, "Ooh, this is an interesting one, 'What is hawking radiation?' Okay so I can't really answer this as well as I usually can, but this is my best. Hawking Radiation is two particles that appear, no we don't know how yet, and collide basically killing each other, and they most commonly appear near Black holes, now sometimes one of them gets sucked into the black hole while the other bounces off, this is how we can tell where black holes are, so when we see that happen we can know where it is, blackholes are very hard for us to see without them, Okay next question," Dipper leaned over and whispered in Bill's ear, "That was my question," Bill looked at him, "Wow," Bill whispered back, Dipper was smart Bill realized, really smart, "Okay the next question is 'Would you eat a fly?'," The teacher laughed, and so did many of the students, "Me personally no, but I do think a lot of people in here would," He said, everyone laughed, "Okay next questoin, Why do we smile?" He read, "Well, a lot of times we do it to show we are content, or happy, anouther way is to put someone at ease, so if Susan is having a bad day and George wants to comfor her he can smile, and such. Okay next question!" The teacher kept reading out the questions one by one till the bell rang, Bill shot up and quickly put his notebook away, Dipper following suit, "Hey Bill, do you think you could come to my locker with me, we can go by yours right after," Dipper asked, getting figety, "Um... sure thing Pinetree," Bill replied, and they made there way over to his locker. Dipper hurredly opened his locker and put a few books for tomorrow in there and took out some notebooks, then he hurriedly shut his locker and checkde the hallways before grabbing Bill's arm and pulling him away. Once they arrived at Bill's locker Bill did a similar thing to Dipper except he did it slowly, and after they were done they started heading toward Dipper's car, Bill didn't have a car so they just used Dipper's. Dipper slid into the driver's seat and turned it on, Bill hopped in the passanger side and buckled up. Dipper put the car into reverse and started driving towards his home, "Okay, so I have no idea what you are expecting, but my house is tiny, and dirty, and in a terrible neighbirhood," Dipper said tapping the wheel, Bill was looking out the window, "Ehh, it is probably better than mine, and I don't really care," Bill said turning to look at Dipper and offering a smile, "Okay, but if you want to go back home, I'll fully understand-" Dipper started saying, "It's fine, I am sure it'll be fine," Bill said, Dipper smiled, and kept driving, after a while they arrived, Bill looked up and saw a house barely being held together, it was a white brick house with purple outlines, and the door was a brilliant red, of course all the paint was chipping, but it was still a sight for sore eyes. Bill smiled, "It's wonderful!" Bill exclaimed making Dipper blush, "Really?" Dipper asked, "Deffinalty," Bill replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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