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The boat in which Maggie and Dirty Dick were rowing went this way and that as the two searched for the same objects that the children had already spotted. The four watched them, and George put her hand on Timmy to stop him barking.

The boat came nearer and nearer. Maggie was trying to keep in view two or three of the bearings at once and her head twisted from side to side continually. The children grinned at one another. It had been hard enough for the four of them to keep all the bearings in view - it must be very dificult for Maggie, especially as Dirty Dick didn't seem to be helping very much.

They heard Maggie give sharp orders as the boat swung this way and that. Then it headed for them. Dirty Dick growled something to Maggie, who had her back to them, and she turned round sharply, losing the view of the things she was looking for.

Her face was full of anger when she saw the raft so near - and in the place where she wanted her boat to go! Afraid of completely losing the view of the things she was keeping her eyes on, she turned back again and hastily looked to see if Tock Hill, Tall Stone and Steeple were still all to be seen together. She said something in a furious voice to Dirty Dick, and he nodded with a sour face.

The boat came nearer and they heard Maggie say "I think I can see it now - yes - a bit farther to the right, please."

"She's spotted One Chimney now," whispered Anne. "I expect they've got all the bearings. Oh dear - the boat will bump right into us!"

It did! Dirty Dick rowed viciously at them and the bows of the boat gave them a terrific jolt. Anne would have fallen into the water if Julian hadn't grabbed at her.

He yelled at Dirty Dick, "Look out, you ass! You nearly had us over! What on earth do you think you're doing?"

"Get out of the way then," growled Dirty Dick. Timmy began to bark savagely, and the boat at once drew away from the raft.

"There's plenty of room on this lake," shouted Julian. "What do you want to come and disturb us for? We aren't doing any harm."

"We're going to report you to the police," called the woman, her face red with anger. "Taking a raft that doesn't belong to you, sleeping in a house where you've no right to be - and stealing our food."

"Don't talk nonsense," cried Julian. "And don't you dare to ram us again. If you do I'll send our dog after you. He's longing to come."

"Grrrr!" said Timmy, and showed his magnificent set of gleaming white teeth. Dirty Dick muttered something quickly to Maggie. She turned round again and called to them.

"Now look here, you kids - be sensible. My friend and I have come down here for a quiet week-end, and it isn't nice to find you four everywhere we go. Go back and keep out of our way and we won't report you at all. That's a fair bargain - we won't even say anything about your stealing our food."

"We're going back when we think we will," answered Julian. "And no threats or bargains will make any difference to us."

There was a silence. Then Maggie spoke hurriedly to Dirty Dick again. He nodded.

"Is this your half-term?" she called. "When do you have to go back?"

"Tomorrow," said Julian. "You'll be rid of us then. But we're going to enjoy ourselves on this raft while we can."

There was another hurried conference between the two. Then Dirty Dick rowed round a little, and Maggie began to peer down into the water. She suddenly looked up, nodded at Dirty Dick, and he rowed away again towards the end of the lake! Not another word did the couple say.

FIVE ON A HIKE TOGETHER by Enid BlytonWhere stories live. Discover now