Chapter 43

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Hopes POV
We walk away."What's wrong?"She asks"this"I turn my head to show her the hickey.She laughs"Emilyy,I need some makeup please"I whine."Alright,alright"she says smiling and leading me to the bathroom. She leaves me alone and I try to hide the hickey.I don't see it so I walk out.I walk back to Paul and Emily starts giggling checking out my neck not seeing it anymore.Everyone turns to Emily wondering why she's laughing.I smack her arm and go sit.Everyone turns to me wondering what it is. Jacob comes back in"there was someone in her room,a bloodsucker and were helping protect her...with the cullens"he says the last part with disgust.I groan and hide,hugging Paul."Look you don't have to like them,we'll just switch off with them from the woods,watching Bella"Jacob tries to reason."Fine but if that bitch even glares at me,I'm setting her on fire"I say and Paul smiles."Who wants tonight?" Sam asks "I can" Embry says"me too"Jared says."Okay,you two have first shift tonight"Sam says.

Seths POV
I'm thinking of asking Sarah on a date but is it too early?Is she ready yet?Is now the right time?"Hope can I talk to you?"I ask her.She nods and we walk outside."What's up?"She asks"should I ask Sarah out yet?Do you think she's ready?"I ask stressed."I think she's ready so go for it" she says.

Hopes POV
'Aww he wants to ask her out and asks me for permission'"ok"he says smiling.I put my arm around his neck and he wraps his arm around my waist.We walk back"hey Sarah,can we talk?"He asks as we walk in.I walk to Paul and Sarah nods.They walk out and everyone turns to me curious what he talked to me about and he's asking Sarah. "He asked if he should ask Sarah out and if she's ready" I say.

Seths POV
We walk out"so it's okay if it's to early or you need more time but do you want to go out with me?"I ask nervous.She's shocked then smiles"yes"she says.I pick her up and spin her."What about tomorrow?"I ask"I'm available"she says."I'll pick you up at 8" "ok" we walk back.We're smiling as we enter."So she said yes?"Hope asks"yup"I say and sit."So we need to discuss who goes on what day and with who"Sam says.

Hopes POV
"Embry and Jared, you guys have tonight"I say"Paul and Ethan,tomorrow night"Sam says."Me and Leah, next night"I say"Sarah and Cheryl next,Seth your with me next"Sam says."That leaves Jacob and quil next"I say."What?But quil hasn't been here in a few days"Jacob protests"then we bring him"I say."Hey guys reminder my niece is coming to visit tomorrow" Emily reminds us."Right so that means best behaviors and control"Sam says looking to Seth, Leah and Paul."How can I not be in control when my second cousin is here"Seth says and Leah agrees. "I'm here for Paul and I love children"I say.Everyone else promises.'Tomorrow is about to be eventful'.

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