the cursed killer

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"You wish to see me sir?"
"Shut the door" Yaga pointed at the door without taking his eyes off the stuffed animal he was fixing. I walked to the door and closed it and walked back into my spot with my hand behind my back.

"There is someone going around killing curses on the east side of Tokyo, by the old abandoned school going along down but I'm not sure who it is. I need you to find out and report back to me immediately, with all of Sakuna's fingers missing we can't risk anything anymore."

"Yes sir right away."
I walked out and sighed. The cool spring breeze of Tokyo hit me blowing my hair throughout the wind.
I walked to my car, got in and drove to the place Yaga told me about.

Once I got there I felt an immense amount of cursed energy ... bad energy. I got out of my car and walked to the side of the building and into it using a side door that had been torn off. I summoned my sword and creeped around the rooms, curses had been exercised already. The way the rooms of the high school had been flipped upside down. Blood smeared all over the walls, It was a gruesome scene, but it wasn't anything I hadn't seen before. I examined the whole bottom floor befits going up.

I walked up the stairs carefully , keeping myself on guard. The school was empty. Scratches and ripped paper all over the floors and walls. Lights flickered on and off. It's was silent, almost too silent.

Not a single sound to be heard but the amount of cursed energy energy filling the air was too strong to miss even by a person who knows nothing about curses. I checked every classroom I passed by but nothing was there, the end of the hall was the darkest part of the building I seen so far, that had to be where it was coming from. A black aura oozed around the closed door, nothing was heard though. I still walked with caution down the hall , once I reached the door I put my hand on it and slowly turned the door knob but before I could even open the door a voice spoke... a voice I used to know all too well.

I turn my head and was met with a man... a man I had not expected to see. Someone who used to make my heart beat like crazy , someone who used to study every inch, every curve on my body, the man who once told me he loved me...

Toji Fushiguro

My eyes had gone wide, my jaw tightened and I clenched my sword tighter. 'What ... the ... fuck..'
was all I could think of. After what seemed like forever of us just looking at each other I chose to remained calm while my insides were twisting and turning , half's with rage and the other half with sadness.

"Are you the one who's been exercising the curses?" I crossed my arms and raised a brow. He looked at me in utter shock at the fact that it was all I had said to him.

He nodded in response, "I plan on going back to Jujutsu Tech a week from now, thought I'd kill some time." He scratched his neck and avoided eye contact . He seemed like he was begging to say something else but held back. I was in no position to talk to him, not now and not ever.

"So why can't I go through this door"

"I sealed off a curse in there, it's quite strong but now that your hear I think we can both take it." He said blandly.

"What makes you think I'll help you." He just looked at me in confusion as if it wasn't my job to rid the world of curses. I huffed in response and kicked the door open with my heel, the curse immediately flew out and ran to attack Toji which seems to be its target.

"Distract it for me" I said, toji got out his blade and began to fight it hitting it's green colored body. The curse let out weird screeches almost like it was talking to him.

I put my hands together with my two tips of my middle fingers laying against each other , "Akuma no me" (devils eyes). My hands lit up with energy and a black flames wrapped around my whole body, I closed my golden eyes and when I opened them they were red. I ran at full speed with my hands clasped together pointing at the curse, i ran my hands through the curses back , the devils eye caused me to see through every attack (seeing the future) and destroy my opponent with a simple statement, Hōkai sari. (Disintegrate).

I seen the curse was going to turn around and punch me into the wall so I moved my feet slightly getting ready to jump. The curse turned and threw its left arm out for a hook, I jumped and grabbed its arm , "HŌKAI SARI". Within seconds the curse exploded all over the walls.

I grabbed my handkerchief from my jacket and wiped off the excess making sure not a spot was missed. Toji looked at me in astonishment. He didn't know how much I had grown since the last time I saw him, I might have show off a bit but who cares.

"Still a clean freak like always huh Misaki" he had his hands in his pocket and walked towards me and laughed awkwardly, like he was almost scared to talk to me. I stepped closer to him and examined his face to make sure it was really him and not a poser or my imagination. I still had my devils eye activated so I already knew what he was gonna say before he could even say it.

"Don't ask me how I'm doing because I don't want to make small talk , especially with you Fushiguro." I had a stern voice that held power , I was stronger than before and he knew that. I deactivated my devils eye , and took a long slightly quiet sigh. I took one last look at him and walked down the hall.

"Wait Misaki don't go" he walks fast towards me and grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me in for a bear hug. 'Why?' Was all I could really think of. He left me and yet here he is trying to make conversation, hugging me? I didn't hug him back. My hands stood at my side, but my face softened. He then pulled away with his hands clinging onto my arms and looked me into my eyes.

That's when it happened.. all the memories.. the feelings... the guilt and sorrow. My eyes began to water as I looked at his perfectly structured features on his face, his deep black eyes that were filled with desperation . The sound of pitter patters started to engulf our ears turning our attention out the window to the pouring rain. The moment we shared was now over. I took a step back freeing myself from his grip. I turned my head around quickly and wiped the single tear off my face.

"I take it you walked here."

"Yeah" he said it lowly.

"Where do you live, I'll take you home" I walked down the stair case and he followed in my footsteps.

He let out a sigh ," I was at a motel but I ran out of money today so I figured I'd go crash at wherever Mugumi's at."

"He lives in a dorm, he won't want you there"

He clicked his tongue and groaned.

After a while he spoke, "Misaki I know it's a lot t-"

"Fine, just for today I want you out tomorrow."

Maybe I was out of my mind for giving home any type of hospitality. But I couldn't just leave him out on the streets. I had thought about a million ways I wanted to rock his shit if I ever got the chance to see him again but I knew I never had the guts too. I loved the man , he was the only person I ever loved, he was my first everything and he was my last. After him nothing felt right anymore. I didn't blame him for what happened to me, how could he have known. He fled without a word.

The car ride was short and silent. He would ask me about some random things about Tokyo and I would just reply with a short answer. My mind rattled with a million questions. I wanted answers but I had no intentions of having conversation with him. I moved on, Toji was sealed inside of a box in my heart and out away. If it were to be open who knows what could happen.

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