Aradia x reader

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You smiled slightly as you were strapped into your seat. The rollercoaster clicked under you as you were attached to your chair and the employees filed others in next to you. You looked over and smiled at a girl who sat next to you. She looked nervous. Your smile was polite and comforting, and she responded well. Wow, she was really pretty. She had this one tooth that was crooked, and it slanted away from the others. It was adorable. You heard a click, and the girl clenched her armrest. Without thinking, you reached out your hand and offered it, another click, and you began to move forward. The girl took a sharp breath and quickly laced her fingers into yours. You blushed.

Up the hill you went, her long curly hair hanging behind her as she gripped you tighter and tighter. You didn't mind. As you got to the top of the hill, you gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She screeched as you went over, and you did as well. The wind whipped past your face, and her hair flew behind the two of you as you went. The adrenaline pumped through you, your eyes glued open through one loop, another, and another. Your screams eventually melted into laughter as your body's endorphins kicked in, but her screeches never quelled. Finally, the ride stopped, and your head felt full of air. You looked over, and chuckled at the cloud of hair around the girl's angelic face. She was so beautiful in such a soft, feminine way. She looked at you a moment, her eyes wide before she smiled that crooked smile again. You loved it. "I'm aradia" She said. "I'm ____" you added. She giggled in an airy way before saying, "well _____, I know I sound kinda crazy but... you wanna ride again?"

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