Chapter 4

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**May's mom and dad**

"Oh my baby found her mate I'm so happy!!!" Mom said "what.....whats a mate and why do you all know what it is and I don't!?" I said worried and confused. "Hun their is some thing that we need to tell you." my mom said and I got a bad feeling about this.
"So you saved me after those rogues destroyed my house and killed my real parents.....thank you for taking me care of me and loving me and being my family....I love you guys" I said as tears slid down my face and we all went into a big group hug."So you don't hate us for keeping the whole werwolf thing a secret do you sweet heart?" My dad said. "Of corse not I just wish I could have known sooner so I could have helped in some way around the pack house and stuff." "so do you have any questions about us?" Matt says. "Only two what are mates and what is your name?" I asked the mystery man. "Oh how rude of me to keep such a thing from my mate, my name is Alpha Matthew McAndrews and a mate is that one person that completes you and loves you unconditionally and the most amazing, beautiful, and stunning person you have ever seen." "" I said shocked and felt heat raising up my cheeks again. "So now that you know what mates are, you are going to come to my pack house, live with me, be my luna and have my pups". "Ummmmm no I'm not" I said, "WHAT YOU ARE MY MATE AND YOU DO AS I SAY!!!" Matthew said yelling at the top of his lungs. I cowered at the tone of voice he was using. "W......well maybe we.....we can get to know each other first and.......and after a few months and after we get m........married then I will live with you and carry your pups and be your luna, because I still follow my churches rules and I'm a human so I don't go as fast as you werwolves. No offense." I said a little nervously. "Ok I respect that......but we need to get married before your heat starts". "Heat what is heat?"

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