Chapter 8

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It was around 10:00 pm when we came back to my house. Once we went to the living room where everyone was at Matthew and I told them our wonderful news. "Oh hun that's grate!!!!!!!!!! Now we can plan your dream wedding starting tomorrow!!!! Oh and congratulations!!!" My mom shouted though the entire house. By dad stood up and gave me a nice big hug. "Congratulations my baby girl." "tanks daddy". Alex " whoa whoa whoa whoa...... what just happened?" "Well big bro I'm getting married!" I said with a huge smile on my face. Matt "we hurd your announcement but.......?" Luke " we can't believe our baby sis is getting married before us and it's just" Eric "so sudden" Max "it feels like your being taken away from us and we won't be their to help you or" Max,Alex,Luke,Matt,Eric "to protect our little sis" "awwwww guys your not loosening me and I'll always need your help and you guys to always protect me, but now we just have someone new joining you guys to help you to protect me and help me when I need help". Alex "well sense you put it that way" Luke "that make us feel a lot better" all the boys "welcome to the family Matthew" they all screamed. After celebrating a little Matthew had to leave and I went to bed concidering how much planing I have to do for the wedding.
The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. Before heading down stairs I took a shower and did my hygiene routine. When I came down my mom already made me a plate. "Good morning mom and thank you for making me a plate" "no problem hun, so what's on your agenda to day?" "Well I want to do wedding plans so I need to talk to Matthew about a date to get married and where to have the ceremony at and the reception and imitations made and find a dress". "Wow sounds like a busy day ahed of you". "yea but with Matthews help it would be easy."

After breakfast was over I called Matthew to see if we can pick a date for our wedding. We disagreed a bit about the dates, but thankfully we decided on what date we wanted to get married and it would be June 6th. Then we disagreed about the ceremony and the reception places but we finally agreed on having the reception in a nice meadow and our ceremony in a glass church in the forest and thankfully the meadow was close to the church. After that we said our good byes and I went on the internet to creat our wedding invitations. Once I finished the invites I sent them thought email to his friends and family as well as mine, by the time I was finished it was lunch time and I made myself a sandwich. After that I called my mom down to see if she wanted to come dress shopping with me. "hey mom wanna come dress shopping?" "YES OF CORSE" she yelled "ok, well we better hurry or all the good dresses will be gone" I said with a little chuckle at the end. "Ok I'm comeing" "going where mom?" Matt asked "oh dress shopping with May" "for her wedding?" "Yea" "well I want it go" "me to" Max said. "Hey don't leave me out" Eric said. "hey what are we chopped liver... we want to come along" Luke and Alex said. "Ok fine all of you can come along but you can't say a word to Matthew got it." "Yep" they said in unison.

When we got to the dress shop I was over whelmed by all the white dresses. However their was one that stood out to me the most. It was sleeveless and had a embodied bodies and the bottom half was just beautiful. I asked the lady if I could try it on and she happily led me down to the changeling room with the dress in her hand. Once I tried it on I knew it was the one. I showed it to my mom and brothers and thankfully they all thought it was the one to. so I told the lady I'll take it and come back in a few weeks for my fitting. By the time we came home it was time to cook dinner and off to bed.

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