
641 13 7

-Purebreed Alpha! Yoongi
-Purebreed Alpha! Hoseok
-Omega! Jimin
-College setting
-angst with happy ending
-eventual threesome
-side ships

Cw/polygamous relationship, double stuffing/penetrating
Tw/Anxious character, violence
Requested by:Anonymous
Jimin currently has two alphas courting him. Actually, there were a lot of alphas who wanted to court him but he rejected them before they could even ask permission to court him. Jimin has eyes for only the two alphas who're currently courting him. The problem is, it's not easy to decide between the two.
One alpha is named Jung Hoseok that he met on his first day of dance class. The alpha helped him get settled in and got to know him first as friends. He and Jimin would partner up most of the time during dance practices and if there was a competition that needed duos, he and Hoseok would join the competition together. Jimin is the alpha's flower and Hoseok is his frame. They just have good chemistry; a perfect combination when dancing together. Alone, they do excellently. But together, they're like water and the air. Jimin is the crystalline water that dances smoothly to where the wind is leading him. With them being an excellent pair, they won so many awards.

Jimin could feel his heart race every time he and Hoseok would dance. His heart thumps so loud and he felt a fire lit up in his blood every time Hoseok would place his hand on Jimin's waist and clasp their hands together. Every time Hoseok would spin him and lift him up, Jimin's adrenaline just flows through him in a sense of electrical sparks. The omega knew the alpha felt their connection too. It wasn't long till Hoseok asked to court Jimin and for Jimin to say yes.

Jimin thought he was sure to be mates with Hoseok in the near future. He only saw Hoseok in his plans for the future. He already has laid out his life with the alpha once they mated. However, two weeks after Hoseok courted Jimin, Min Yoongi came into his life in the form of a caffeine wave...
Jimin came into the new cafe that just opened last Saturday. What better way to start a Monday morning than getting coffee for him and Hoseok at 6:30am. He just hopes that they're open. Hoseok and Jimin wake up very early for rehearsals so that they can go on dates by 3pm and go home by 5pm to relax.

"Yes, I'm on my way. I'm just going to get us coffee." Jimin said to Hoseok on the phone as he approached the counter. The omega looked around and saw that the place was barren. He was almost embarrassed that he came in before it opened but a quick check on the door sign assured him that it's open already. Perhaps he's just too early.

"I want hot chocolate instead. Please?" Jimin could hear the pout in Hoseok's tone. He couldn't help but chuckle. His alpha is so adorable. "Alright, alright. Now be a good Hobi and clean the floor. I want it to be slippery and shiny by the time I got there."

"Yes, yes. Bye, babe." Hoseok smacked his lips together to create a kiss sound, making Jimin giggle. "Bye, Hobi-hyung." Jimin hung up and finally faced the counter where the air was sucked out of his lungs. The cashier is so adorable. He got pouty thin lips and cute ebony curls. At first glance, Jimin thought the cashier is a beta, even an omega. But as Jimin got closer, he could smell him; fresh soil after a pleasant rain and green tea, accompanied with dominant pheromones; an alpha. No way an alpha can be that adorable. But who was Jimin to judge?

The alpha seems to be busy cleaning the counter whilst talking to someone with an earpiece.

"Third day working here and I'm already loathing this job." Jimin heard the alpha mutter with his baritone voice. "No hyung, you don't understand. I have yet to finish my project and here I am, stuck in a cafe at the arse crack of dawn instead of working on my project. Like who would even buy coffee this early?" I would, Jimin wanted to say but he couldn't help but be giddy; eavesdropping on plain sight since the alpha seemed to be so focused on getting the counter clean even if he has already scrubbed the same spot more than once. Jimin knows Hoseok is waiting for him, but he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the alpha before him who has a frown on his adorable face.

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