2.4K 59 10

Hello, beautiful people, author here! I have a few things to address here, so please read..

One, thank you all so much for the attention this story has gotten. This was one of the first fan fictions I'd ever written and I'll be honest, it's not my favorite. I read over it the other day and was honestly embarrassed at some of the things I wrote (I can't believe I used to write in first person LOL!). But still. I want to think you all immensely for reading this. 3k might not seem like a lot but it's so much for me! I love everyone comments and votes, they make my day!

Two, since I find this story incredibly embarrassing, I was thinking about writing another texting fic (Drarry of course). In my opinion, I've definitely improved in my writing skills and I would put much for effort into this new story. I've gotten an outline created so that the new one might actually have a better structure. Would this interest any of you guys?

Three, instead of idea two, I was thinking of rewriting this fic. I might just start a whole new story on my page, or take this one down for a bit while I'm writing. It's honestly up to all of your guys and what you'd prefer. I just would like to write it in third person and using better sentences, everything.

What do you guys think? Let me know i'm the comments <3 I love you all, thank you!

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