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"Craig you have been staying here for 3 months now, and you haven't paid rent yet." I said. Craig was my older brother. and our mother kicked him out of her house because he hadn't had a job in 2 years and he eats up all the food. and so I figured we could help each other out. he had to help pay the bills and he will have a place to stay. but now I'm starting to rethink my decision.

"yea I know" he said fanning me out of the TV way. I walked over to him, snatched the bag of chips he had in his hand, and pushed his feet of my couch. "listen Craig, you have one more month before I kick you out. if you don't have at least a $120 in my hand by the end of the month you have to go." I said. he didn't say anything. his gaze didn't leave the TV.

"did you hear me?" I asked. he nodded his head and took a sip of his beer. "YEA, BABY" he yelled at the TV. I'm guessing someone made a touchdown.

I walked back into the kitchen and was making me a sandwhich when the sound of my ringtone nearly made me dropped the cheese. I grabbed my phone from the table and looked at the picture and sure enough it was william, my financé. I answer it.

"hey baby" I said placing my sandwhich on a napkin and putting the food items back in the fridge. "hey...." he began to trail off. he only talked like this, and stutter when he had bad news. "what is it bae?" I asked pouring me some apple juice. and sat at the stool that was at my bar thingie. "umm... Im have to cancel on our plans to night." he said. "what, why?" I asked after swallowing some juice I chugged down.

"yea they have me working another shift tonight, I'm sorry" he said. "its okay" I said hanging up the phone. why does he always have to work so many hour, I know he is making money, but he never have time for me. I could see if he was a doctor, or nurse. but he works at walmart. I finish my sandwhich and head out to go grocery shopping since Craig ate all my food. and plus I could surprise will.


I pull into the parking lot and got out. when I went in I grabbed me a bugie and spotted will and another girl laughing. she playfully touched will arms. and he was just smiling. I walked over to him and he shot up at my appearance. he came around from the cash register and kissed me on my check.

"oh, hey babe, I didn't know you were coming here" he stated flatly. "I guess I'll be going, now" the girl that was flirting with will said. as she went and ranged up other customers items.

will was quit the looker. he was tall, was well built, he had the deepest dimples that would make girls go gaga over him. and because of that I always got so jealous.

"who was that?" I asked "that Mindy, she works here to. I know what you are thinking and its not what it looks like, we just have a lot in common." he said grabbing my hand in his. I let out a small smile when he kissed my neck. "okay, but be back in time for dinner" I said. "honey, I told you I won't be able to make it." he said moving a piece of hair out my face.

"yea, but you didn't say you counldnt have dessert" I said jokingly. I gave him a peck on the lips before leaving him to do my grocery shopping.

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