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my heart skipped a beat, he said he love me, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know If I should say it or not, but the nurse came in just in me. "Jackson, I know you don't want us asking if you are okay, but its our job" the nurse said. Jackson looked irrated. "I'm fine, I don't need anything" he said. the nurse left out.

"sooo, when do you get to go home?" I asked. I tried to shrug the 'I love you' thing off. "I just told you I love you and you talking snout when I'm going home" he said upset. "Jackson" I said trying to stop him but he kept going. "no, how can you love Will when he is no good for you he does nothing for you" he said his face turning bight red. I shook my head. "its not even like that" I said. "do you like guys that disrespects you, that cheats on you?" he said. I felt my eyes watering, I tried to fight it back. "jackson, please stop" I said quietly. he looked at me then stopped talking. he still had that angry look on his face.

"I have to go" I said. hos facial expression completely changed from upset to sadness. "I'm sorry, don't leave" he said. I shook my head. "I have to, I have to finish packing, I'll see you tomorrow when you come homw" I said leaving the room, leaving him speechless. I walked out and drove home and began packing. on my way into the house I gotta another call from frank.

frank: hello..ms king?

me: this is her

frank: I know I called you twice already about moving the date up..but we really need you hear in two days

me: two days...wow this is really short notice

frank: I know, thanks bye

he hung up before I could open my mouth to say anything. that meant IMA have to leave by tomorrow. everything is just happening so fast. I immediately got in my phone and search for plane that will take off tomorrow. the only plane that ey have for tomorrow is for 7:00 In the morning. I have so much to do before I leave.
its 5:30 in the morning and I am getting ready to leave for the airport, I'm checking to make sure I have everything. I take a shower, get dress, eat breakfast, and double checked everything. I even left a not on Jackson bed that read:

Jackson, I left for California already, and I sorry I didn't get to see you before I left but yea...and I want you to take care of my house and if you move out or decided to leave give my mom the keys to the house... and i will miss you
p.s. I love you to

by the time I was finished with ever ying it was 6:25. I rushed to the airport. I didn't want to be late. when I got to the airport it was 6:54. I made it just in time.

it was time for everyone to bored the plane of we were leaving or this flight. I gave the lady my ticket and was rolling ,y suitcase down the little hallway when I heard someone call my name. "LEYA" I turned to see Jackson linking towards me. by this point everyone was looking in my direction. "I love you, and I can't I won't spend a day without you" he said. I could here people in the crowd saying 'aw' and 'that's so sweet' "please let me come with you" he said.

I looked at everyone and then him. "I really like you, but I'm not ready to get into a relationship, right now" I said. his eyes looked like tears were forming. "I have to go, my flight is fit to leave" I said running to get on the plane. I looked behind me and saw his face, maybe the last time I see his face again.
what do y'all think??

I know its short...but I was happy for y'all to read it

what do yall think abot leya saying I love you back

what do y'all think about Jackson coming to the airport??

what do y'all think about leya decisions??




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