I danced under the stars
We saw the light around you
I swayed to the music
We wanted you
As silent tears fell down my cheeks
We ran to you, we wanted to corrupt your mind
I felt the music go through me, through my bones and soul
We stretched out a hand, you can’t resist us
I saw a darkness sweep over the field
We grabbed your hand
I continued to dance, barefooted around the green grass
We danced with you, feeling the music brighten our darkened soul
I sung to the dark, still crying silently
We wiped away your tears, but not our own
I wiped away their tears, as they swayed with me
We sung along with her, our voices twisting together
I loved them
We loved her
I changed them
She changed us
"There is no light, without the dark"
(The Bold is something else (kind of like an evil man), not the same as the non-bold (whom is the innocent girl)) (and the italics is just a quote that I thought fit with this poem)