Sincerely , 'The Mauraders' (1st Year)

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'Ok, today's the day. You're not gonna mess this up for them you can do it' Rose thought herself as she laid in bed, the clock reads 5:30 am, 30 minutes prior til she has to meet up with the boys in the common room for their last big prank. Though Rose thought waking up that early wasn't necessary but the boys said it was crucial.

After 30 minutes had passed Rose tip toed away from her dorm trying not to wake the other three girls and made her way into the common to find a very tired Remus Sirius and Peter, and very pumped up and energetic James. "Well I guess it's no surprise who woke you all up." She stated with a small laugh and added a yawn after. "Did we have to wake up so early?" Whined Peter causing James to roll his eyes, "Yes Pete we have to get this all done before dinner and it's not gonna be easy we timed it out this way so we wouldn't get caught by Prefects or teachers so yes it was necessary." he finished as Pete nodded in understanding.

"I hope we manage to pull this all off." Stated Remus in a hopeful tone. "We will don't worry as long as we stick to everything accordingly." said James. "You don't think we'll get caught do you?" The boys looked at Rose as she said those words. They figured she would start having second thoughts, "It's just what if it doesn't work out right or what if they find out it's us and we get expelled-" "Hey Rose calm down. Don't worry. No ones getting caught and no one's getting expelled. This may be the biggest prank we've done but also somewhat the most harmless. So just stop your worrying alright?" said Sirius in a soft tone. Rose looked at him then back at the boys and nodded causing the boys to smile and James spoke again, "Good now we better get going but first lets go over it one more ti- oh quit your whining just one more time alright? This has to go smoothly. So let's hear it. Sirius?..."

"Alright me Rose and Remus head down to owlry to get our 'special package' (he said with a wink) and take it back to our dorm and hide in my trunk and then Pete?" "Right while that goes on me and James take the cloak to Hagrids and to get the birds from and put a silencing charm on the cages and take them back up to the dorm while Rose?" "Yes after we get back I will come down with a 'terrible headache' and I won't feel well, Remus being the nice guy he is will take me to the hospital wing while James?" "Right me and Sirius will come to visit you and bring the invisibility cloak with you while Peter and Remus?" "I'll start unpacking our special box and getting them together while Remus works on the spell. And finally Rose?" "At exactly 6:00 while everyone goes down to eat I'll sneak out of the hospital wing under the cloak and grab the birds and at 6:15 release them while Remus works the spell. Then when they think it's over. We'll set them off."

"Perfect. Now let's get to it."
Everything had gone as smooth as possible. Though the final phase of their plan wasn't finished yet. Rose was still being in the hospital wing waiting for Madam Pomfrey to leave, "Now dear are you sure you'll be alright by yourself? It's the last big dinner we'll have this year are you sure you're too sick to miss it?" Rose nodded, "Yes I'll be alright though I'm feeling a bit better. I might come down there if I'm feeling well enough soon if that's alright." Madam Pomfrey smiled, "You're free to come down anytime you feel better but I want to check up on you one more time before bed alright?" Rose nodded once again while Madam Pomfrey had left. Once she could not hear the footsteps anymore she knew it was time to go.

She had grabbed the invisibility cloak from under the bed and threw it on as she made her way to their dorm. She looked down at her watch while the watch read 6:05. She had ten minutes so she began to pick up the pace but stopped once she heard a familiar voice, Lily's voice to be exact, talking to Mary, "I don't know what to do Mary should I tell him?" "I don't know I think Rose likes him to." Rose was confused by that. Lily rolled her eyes in jealousy, "so what if she does? I liked him first and she hangs out with him all the time. If she wanted to tell him she could and frankly I don't think Remus feels that way about her." Rose heart stopped. 'But at what? What am I upset about? The fact that my friend would speak of me that way? Or that Remus. No it can't be that. Could it though? Could I possibly be upset because he might not...' Roses thoughts were interrupted by Mary's voice, "We should get going it's alright 8 after" Rose looked down at her watch. 'Crap I wasted three minutes'

Rose sprinted down to the dorm and grabbed the birds and the special surprise leaving and raced back to the great hall. With 2 min left to spare Rose had set the cage down covering it with cloak but leaving it in sight for her to know where it was at and ran into the great hall to sit in her spot at the end of the table next to Remus and Peter. She noticed that Lily had been sitting on the other side of Remus. She gave her a questionable look, "I thought you didn't feel good Rose." "I didn't but I'm feeling loads better now. Plus I couldn't miss the last dinner could i?" Remus looked at her and smiled, "I'm glad you're feeling better" he said with a wink and while she smiled back trying to hide a blush . After a very brief moment Sirius looked at the clock that marked 6:15 and back at Remus and mouthed, 'now'

As everyone else turned to talk Remus had cast the spell under the table and within seconds the Great Hall was raining, soaking all the teachers and students though no one seemed to be mad, except a few Slytherins. While Remus was concentrating on that he gave you the nod and you nodded back. Leaning in front of Pete wand pointing at the cage you whispered, "Alohamora". Birds came fluttering out of the cage and with that came screams. James and Sirius had their mouths wide open trying to catch the rain while Peter was wrestling with a bird. It was complete chaos.

Rose gave Remus a nudge for him to stop the spell and he lowered his wand. The rain had stopped and everything went silent. The birds still flying around. Sirius and James looked across at Remus, Rose and Peter. The two boys gave a mischievous grin for which the three returned. With a quick nod in agreement

Sirius pointed his wand and gave a quick wave and fireworks came shooting into the great hall. Ooos and Ahhs filled the whole room while the fireworks went off. The teachers were looking at the crowd trying to find some kind of culprit but everyone seemed to have the same reactions. Rose was amazed. She leaned to Remus and whispered, "I can't believe we pulled this off." He turned to look at her and leaned down to her ear and responded, "Not quite over yet. Look." And thank god she had or she would have missed it. The last firework that was in there exploded into big letters that spelled out:

'Sincerely The Marauders'

A/n: Hey guys I hope that chapter wasn't too confusing. I may have to change my posting schedule around but if I do I'll let you guys know. Keep in mind they are still in their first year. It is a very long story and there will be some Jegulus coming in their third year though that may take a while. Just be patient with me please :)

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