Struggling (2nd Year)

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  Only a week or so has passed and Rose has gone to Hagrids at least once everyday. Normally they wouldn't all go at once typically it was Remus who accompanied her but the other three had already started piling up on procrastinating their homework in exchange to plan pranks. Rose enjoyed going to Hagrid's , she just got sit there and pet Fang while listening to Hagrid and a Remus talk.

Though these daily visits had to come to an end pretty quickly when Rose realize she was struggling in class, particularly divination. She excelled in most classes, top five in most and top three in transfiguration, though it's easy when you have James and Sirius there. "Ugh I'm never gonna understand this stupid class." Rose said in an angry tone at dinner one night. "Just do what we do Rose." "Yeah just make stuff up it's not that hard." Sirius and James said. "Well unlike you two I want to do well in class without taking the easy way out." She rolled her eyes as she heard the dramatic gasps , "How dare you assume we take the easy way out. We call it taking a short cut." "Yeah it's so we more time to prank our arch rival Rose now what would we be without that- ah don't answer that because the answer is nothing. Therefore we must do it the easy way so we can keep our friendly banter with Snivellus up." Rose rolled her eyes at the boys once again and shook her head.

"I highly doubt what you do to Snivellus is called 'banter'. Anyways if you need help in divination Rose I'd be more than happy to oblige." Stated Remus with a smile. "Really?" "Yeah of course. Me and Lily meet in the library every day after class, Pete does too sometimes . You're more than welcome to join us." "Huh funny that you and Lily study all the time in the library when she doesn't really need it. She's top of most classes." Said James in a bitter tone. "Yeah because she studies. You alright mate?" James looked at Remus then Lily, who was too busy talking to Mary to listen, then back to Remus, "I'm fine." Remus was skeptical but finally nodded and turned to talk to Rose again, "So tonight. What do you say?" "I'd say you're my savior. I really wanna do well here." "You already do so well here. You do pretty good in divination. You don't have to be the best at everything that's Lily's job "hey!" Ok well it's true alright. My point is why do you overwork yourself?" asked Sirius.

"Well sorry if since I've been disowned and I don't wanna feel more like a disappointment than I already am. I need to prove to her that I'm worth something because even though she doesn't love me anymore I still wanna make her proud. Am I so messed up for wanting to make my mom proud cause merlin knows I can't make my dad proud." They all went silent "I'm sorry I didn't mean to I-" she began to apologize but Remus cut her off, "No it's ok. We get it. But you're not a disappointment Rose. You're an amazing person. They didn't mean it like that." Rose looked to the other two boys "We really didn't mean to upset you darling." said Sirius. Rose nodded and turned to Remus, "soooo about that help?" He chuckled, "Library after dinner."
The day had gone by pretty quickly after that. They attended all their classes, James still refusing to let Rose walk alone, and now we're sitting down eating dinner.
"So I was thinking we need to prank-" "Woah woah Potter slow down. Didn't you just pulled a prank at lunch?" asked Rose raising her eyebrow. "Why yes yes we did. But we want you to join in on us this time- please. I know you don't want us to interrupt your studies but you seem so stressed lately with everything and we just wanna have some fun- pretty please." James said with puppy eyes that Rose knew she couldn't resist. "Fine but if I get in trouble it's on you." She said looking at Sirius as well. "Ok fair enough. Hey it's almost 8 shouldn't you head to the library?" asked Sirius. "Oh crap I almost forgot. Yeah I have to go. See you guys later." Before James could protest her going alone she had left the Great Hall. "She'll be fine mate." Sirius said to reassure him as they finished eating.

Rose had made to the library clearly out of breath, Remus and Peter notice instantly, "Hey are you ok did something happen?" Peter asked while Remus looked at Rose equally as worried. "No no I'm fine. I just realized I was late. I didn't mean to scare you." "You came down here. All by yourself?" asked Remus. "Yes and before you protest I'm fine." Remus hesitated to argue but decided against it and nodded. "Fine but I'm walking you back to the common room." "Deal" Rose said trying to hide her cheeks from tinting red. She was hoping Remus didn't notice. But he did which made him blush equally as hard. "Are we going to study or not?" asked Lily breaking the tension. "What- oh right yeah sorry. Rose come here I'll help you with divination. Lily can you help Peter with potions?" Lily looked a bit upset she wasn't going to work with Remus but reluctantly agreed.

Remus and Rose made their way the table and began going over everything they had learned so far. Rose was still confused but the way Remus had explained was much easier than the way their teacher did. They had been studying for almost 3 hours. They hadn't even noticed that they were the last in the library. "-so do you have a better understanding of it now?" "I think so. I'm not quite 100% though. Do you think we could meet here again tomorrow?" Remus smiled at the idea of seeing her again, "Yeah. Of course. It's getting late though we should head back. Don't wanna get in trouble." Rose nodded as they left the library and headed to the common room.

They walked in silence. Rose was away in her thoughts thinking about her dad '. Is he still alive? Why did he leave? Would he be proud of me now?' Her thoughts were interrupted by Remus speaking allowed. "Hey was James alright this morning? He seemed on edge." Rose stopped in her tracks looking at Remus as if he were the most naive person, "what?" "You're joking right? You really didn't know what he was upset about?" Remus shook her head. "Merlin men are daft sometimes. No offense. But he likes Lily." "Yeah I know that. But that doesn't explain why he- wait a minute. Does he think I like Lily?" "Well. Do you?" She asked trying to sound cooler than she did. "Not like that I don't think. I see her more as a friend and I would never do that to James. He likes her too much." Rose chuckled, "yeah that's for sure." "How do I fix this with him?" "Just talk to him. Make it clear that you don't like her." Remus nodded.
"When did you become to good at advice?" "I had a few pretty great friends teach me that."
A/n: If you guys have any requests on what you want to happen in the story. Please let me know :)

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