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Hey guys!! I know things aren't very exiting so far but it gets better, don't worry!!!.. Anyways leave your thoughts on the story, and like it up :)... Ok back to the story!
Erza's p.o.v
As I get to the guild like I'm supposed to, I see Juvia, levy,Wendy, Carla, evergreen gray,elfman, Laxus, gajeel, Romeo, happy, natsu, lucy, Mira, and... Jellal! Why is jellal here? I haven't seen jellal since " hey erza get over here" a sweet cheerful voice called out. As I look up again, I see Mira waving her arms and calling me over, it looked as if she is a little kid again. " hurry don't just stand there" natsu called out sounding kind of anxious to play whatever game we are. I tried to move but my body wasn't letting me. Come on erza I said to myself. Finally my legs un stiffened and I started walking the slightest bit over to Mira and the others. Hi I said with an intriguing attitude. " what's your problem" natsu said while looking at me with a confused look. I don't have a problem I said starting to look less nervous.
Let's play I said looking more cheery.
Mira's p.o.v
Ok, the rules of the game are simple I started to say before getting cut of my
More than one voice saying " what is the game first of all!!!" Oh yes silly me, the game is simple, it's called truth or dare!! " truth or dare" people said looking confused. Ok here's how you play, one person will start by asking another person "truth or dare" that person will then pick ether truth or dare, if they pick truth, the person that asked them the question will then ask them another question that they make up. For example say I asked lucy truth or dare, and she answered truth, then I would ask her something that she has to tell the truth to. Something like... Do you like natsu. she would have to answer truthfully. As for dare, the person asking would ask someone truth or dare, they would then pick ether truth or dare, in this case dare, and the person asking the question would dare them to do something. for example say I asked levy truth or dare and she replied with dare, I would then ask her to do something that she can not back out of. For example, levy I dare you to hug gajeel. Does everybody understand? I said and then sat down. " yup" most of them replied. Ok let's get started! Oh wait, one more thing, I have reserved seats for you all to sit in, I have arranged them. " oh no!" Everybody shouted then sat down.

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