Who knew?

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Elfmans p.o.v
Hmm it's my turn to pick and everybody Looks so innocent, then again so did I and I had to finally tell the love of my... What??? That was weird, my Mind took over and I almost called ever the love of my life! I wonder if anyone eles feels this way, " Hurry up" an impatient voice called taking me out of deep thought, alright natsu, since you are so into this game, truth or dare?
Natsus p.o.v
" alright natsu, since you are so into this game, truth or dare?" Elfman says as he has a cocky tone in his voice. Oh sure elfman pick on the handsom guy I yell as I look at elfman, everybody laughing I answered dare! " hmm ok" elfman stopped and looked around the room stopping his eyes on lucy. My heart beats faster and faster, as if I wanted to do a dare with lucy. I yi yi what's going on! " natsu I dare you to..." He paused once again making me anxious to know what the dare was. " I dare you to play 7 minutes of heaven with.. Let's see here, lucy" ok let's do it
I reply not even knowing what 7 minutes of heaven is.
Lucy's p.o.v
What! Me and natsu I yell out. What's 8 minutes of heaven anyways I asked
As my heart beats heavily. " actually it's 7" a voice calls out. what I reply. " you said 8 minutes of heaven, it's 7" a sweet Mira says . Same thing, what is it though!!
Mira's p.o.v
Oh lucy, you can't tell me you have never played 7 minutes of heaven before. I say as I tease lucy " I haven't now please tell me before I do it with that idiot" lucy says as she points to natsu. Ok ok I say while laughing. 7 minutes of heaven is where you and A partner this case you and Natsu have to go in the closet or a confined area and you guys can do anything to each other for seven minutes no refusal either! I say sounding more Serious.
Lucys p.o.v
What that bimbo can do anything to me, like anything!!! I say as my heart beats faster to the thought of natsu doing anything he wants to me. " yup anything" Mira replies and smiles less serious again. Oh crap I say before getting interrupted. " you heard the lady, let's go Luce" natsu says as he wears his signature smile.
Natsus p.o.v
Ok Let's go I say while standing up and grabbing lucys wrist. While bringing lucy to the near by closet, I see her blushing and I feel her pulse beat faster then normal. We reach the closet and I close the door. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to I say while standing beside her in the sort of dark closet. " no, no, I was just a bit nervous but I think I can do it. Mind you I know karate If you touch me In a spot I don't like." She says as I start to giggle. Ok I reply looking more happy. I always feel at my happiest when I'm with lucy, even in weird situations like this. Well, I say as I am still holding her wrist, her pulse slowing down. " we have seven minutes to do whatever we want" ya your right. So what do you want to do? I ask while letting go of her. Not knowing what to do, I break the silence by grabbing lucy by the waist and pulling her into me closer. " oh I" she says as she starts blushing harder. I really feel so comfortable secure and loved when I'm with you lucy. I say as I am now blushing.
Lucys p.o.v
Natsu I. Not knowing what to say I tell natsu how I feel about him. Natsu I have loved you for awhile now, not knowing how you would take it, I never told you. I thought you would stop talking to me and our close friendship would drift apart. " no lucy, I have felt the same way I just needed the courage to confess it"
Natsus p.o.v
Lucy confessing to me made me so happy, the joy in my body took over and I pulled lucy closer. Our faces Centimeters apart i leaned in closer and she did the same. Our lips touching and flowing in unison. We were kissing and It was passionate. I felt so happy to know that lucy felt the same way I did towards her.
Mira's p.o.v
How long have they been I
Ask gray as he looks at his watch. " six minutes he replied. while looking around the room I noticed everybody looking so bored.
Natsus p.o.v
After a long passionate kiss we both needed to breath, pulling apart and lucy still leaning on me, I look at my watch and see it has almost been 7 minutes, Luce it's almost been 7 I say as she pulls apart still blushing. " ok let's just tell them we talked and had afew laughs ok?" She asked as I nodded.
Mira's p.o.v
Gray? I say as I look at gray. " times" he says and looks back at me as I walk to the closet the door swings open and I see natsu and lucy laughing as usual. I guess they just talked and did the usual I said as I walked back to my spot and sat down.

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