Not The End

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"JIMMY STOP IT, PG. I SAID PG!" Darcy shouts.
"What is your problem?" You say.
"He deserves it." Jimmy says.
"No!" Darcy says.
You get Vision's body to safety and Hayward gets arrested but Wanda is still gone.

Chapter 4
Back at the hex...
Wanda and Agatha are fighting each other. Agatha starts to torment Wanda. Wanda uses her magic to set the residents of Westview free but doesn't close it fast enough so Vision and her kids start to deteriorate and disappear.

"Wanda." Vision says as he holds his hand out towards her.
"Mom." Wanda's kids say as they disappear too.
Wanda closes the hex and Vision, Billy and Tommy run up to her.
Agatha tries to kill her but she sends her magic to her and kills Agatha.
"What do we do now?" The twins ask.
"Where is Y/N?" Vision says.
"Well lets go find them." Wanda says excitedly.
A few hours later...
Jimmy, Darcy and you run up to Wanda.
"Wanda, where have you been?" Darcy asks, "We've been looking for you everywhere."
"I was busy killing Agatha."
"YES FINALLY!" You say.
"What." Vision says really confused.
"Oh well I like Agatha's theme song but she really took a bad turn." You say.
"Oh." Vision says surprised at your response.
"Wanda I have Vision's body here." Jimmy says, "What would you like me to do with it?"
"Send him to Stark Industries." Wanda says, "Pepper will make sure he is ok there."
"I will do that." Jimmy says as he turns around and leaves.
"Wanda will you have to get rid of  The Hex?" You say sadly.
"Well." She says as she puts her hands on your shoulders and kneels down, "Yes."
Tears start to come in your eyes as you realize her family will go to.
"Well can you use your magic to keep them alive outside The Hex?"
"Maybe there might be a way." Wanda says as she gets up.
She gets S.H.I.E.L.D into The Hex after a few hours.
"Let me introduce myself I'm...."
"I know Agent Coulson and Enoch." You say, "Why are you here?"
"To make Wanda's kids Chronicom." Enoch says politely.
"So you are going to make them last forever?" You say.
"Yes that is the plan." Coulson says.
After a few weeks the twins are Chronicoms.
"They have all their memories and are ready to leave The Hex." Enoch says.
"We better get going, I gotta grab my taser and all five seasons of Supernanny." Coulson says.
"HAHAHA!" Darcy laughs hysterically, "That's a real knee slapper."
"You two cut it out lets go." You say.
"Vision. Billy. Tommy. I will see you in a second." Wanda says as she kisses the twins foreheads.
She closes The Hex and they disappeared with it.
They all go to Stark Industries.
"Welcome." Pepper says, "Vision is ready."
She brings Vision and the twins back.
"Wanda." Vision says.
"Mom!" The twins say running up to her and giving her a hug.
"We can go home." Wanda says.
Coulson and Enoch leave Stark Industries.
"I'm glad I could help you." Pepper says, "Jimmy and Darcy have somewhere to take you."
All of you get in the car and head a little ways down the property.
"Here we are." Darcy says.
"It's our house!" Billy says excitedly.
"Lets go!" Tommy says.
They run out of the car and into the house.
"Y/N where will you go?" Vision asks.
"Back home to my house but my mom is going to be pissed." You say.
"Jimmy can we move this house?" Wanda says over the seat.
"Yeah, where do you want it?"
"Next to Y/N's house, the twins could use a friend."
Jimmy and Darcy move their house.
"Welcome home Wanda."
"We can grow old together now." Wanda kisses Vision.
"Awwww." Jimmy and Darcy say while looking out the car window.
"I'm going to head home now." You say.
"You can come over and hang out whenever you want." Wanda says.
"I will." You say as you wave goodbye.
Jimmy and Darcy wave goodbye and drive back to Stark Industries.
Wanda and her family walk into their new home.

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