Finding Pietro

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"How did I know that Pietro was in danger? Do I have superpowers like Billy?"
"Well you do have a superpower and it is like Billy's you could have gotten it by coming in and out of The Hex like Monica." He explains.
"So am I going to be scary."
"What do you mean?" Vision asks.
"Like the bad guys. Like Agatha." You say.
"Well it depends on how you use your powers." He says.
"It's true." Wanda Interrupts from the doorway.
"They are to help protect." She says.
"So I'm like an Avenger now." You say.
"Yeah." Vision says with a smile on his face, "Do you still want that story?"
Vision and Wanda hug you.
"You'll be ok." Wanda says.
Vision reads you a story and you go to sleep.

Chapter 7

"You're awake." Wanda says.
"I found Pietro while you were sleeping." Billy says.
"That's good, where is he?" You ask.
"Well he is in New York." Wanda says.
"Why?" You ask very confused.
"We don't know but we are almost there." Billy says.
"Here, take this." Tommy says as he hands you some food.
"Thanks." You say as you take a bite.
A few minutes later.
You guys hop out of the car and start making your way into the building.
"Stay behind me." Wanda whispers.
You quietly make you way up some stairs and it doesn't take long before Hydra starts attacking you guys.
Wanda and Vision take some of them out while Tommy guards you.
"Y/N come over here!" Billy shouts.
You dodge some bullets and duck behind a crate.
"Do you know how to use your powers?" Billy asks.
"No not really." You say.
"Follow me." He says.
"Billy don't come over here!" Vision shouts, "Get Y/N out of here."
"Ok." Billy says.
"Tommy take Billy and Y/N with you." Wanda says.
"I'm not leaving without you." You say.
"GO!" Vision shouts.
"No I can't lose you."
"Tommy take Y/N" Vision says.
"Please don't, I can't leave you." You say with tears filling your eyes.
Tommy grabs you and Billy and uses his powers to get you out.
"Why did you do that?" Billy asks.
"You guys are my family and without you guys I..."
You hear a scream.
"Let me go in please." You say begging the twins.
They agree to let you go.
You run in looking for Vision and Wanda.
You find both of them and sprint up the stairs.
"Why are you here, I told you to stay out there." Vision asks.
"I couldn't lose you two." You say, "Your like family to me."
A Hydra agent fires his gun.
"Y/N DUCK!" Wanda shouts.
Vision goes in front of you and takes the bullet.
"DAD!" The twins shout.
Vision falls to the ground.
Wanda falls on her knees and lets all her magic out.
All the Hydra agents get killed by her magic.
"Find Pietro." Wanda says.
Tommy and Billy find Pietro and bring him to Wanda.
"Pietro." Wanda whispers softly.
"You didn't see that coming." Pietro says before he passes out.
You kneel down next to Vision
"I... Vision..." You say in tears, "Please come back."
You cry as you try to and pick him up.
You wrap you arms around him and hold on to him.
"Hey, let me take care of him." Wanda says.
"No let me stay here with him." You say,"Is he gone?"
"I don't know." Wanda says.
"If I leave him you need to make sure he comes back."
"I promise you." Wanda says.
You get up and start to walk away.
Wanda uses her magic to bring him back.
You feel someone tap on your shoulder so you turn around.
"Vision." You say with tears falling down your face.
"I wouldn't leave you." He says wiping the tears from your face.
Vision gives you a hug.
"Lets get Pietro." Wanda says.
You guys bring Pietro to the car and put him in the back.
Wanda drives to Stark Industries to fix Vision and Pietro completely.
While Tommy, Billy and you wait for them you guys all fall asleep.

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