Chapter 1

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Two months after the accident...

"I'm not going to prom with him!" Skyler yelled as Sarah and I burst out laughing.

"Oh, come on! We all know he has a thing for you," Sarah teased.

"And I have a thing for him also," she pulled out her hand and fisted it. "My fist," she rolled her eyes.

"Either way, guys, prom is literally in 3 months. We have to go shopping soon," Sarah beamed.

I nodded my head. "For sure! Especially when it's coming so soon,"

Skyler, Sarah and I were having a girl's night sleepover at my house. We were drinking and getting a little tipsy, honestly. We had insisted that we finally get together, especially ever since my accident.

My friends have been through all of my recovery processes, and it meant everything to me. I was beyond thankful for all of them.

And spending time with them after everything was definitely what we all needed.

"What about you, Sarah? Do you think Nathan will ask you?" I raised an eyebrow.

She lowered her head. Her cheeks stained red.

"I don't know if he'll even want to go with me?" She played with her fingers.

"Please, that's all he talks about," Sky said, taking a sip out of her beer.

"And what about you, Storm? You and the guy Cassian seemed to be hanging out often," she smirked. "You think you'll go to prom with him?"

"Oh my gosh, no, Cassian is my friend," I told her.

"Didn't seem that way when he came for lunch," Sarah teased, taking a sip out of her beer.

I giggled. "No, no. we're not like that!" I assured. "Besides, after what happened with Liam, I'm not even sure if I want anything more,"

Liam doesn't remember me.

Well, actually, he doesn't remember all the things that happened between us.

In the last couple of months, I tried hard to make him remember, but he only made me leave and yelled at me some horrible words each time. I was never able to reach him.

"You know he liked you even before everything. So don't give up," Sarah smiled.

I nodded my head, returning her smile.

"Actually, give up!" Sky, on the other hand, doesn't want me to have anything to do with him. "He's not worth it, and he doesn't deserve you one single bit."

"It's not that simple, Skyler," I told her.

"I just don't get it? What do you see in him?" She asked, shrugging her shoulder. "He legit hurts you,"

"I-" I was interrupted before I could say anything by the door bursting open and Tyler walked right in.

"Who are you?" Sky asked, her eyes widening.

It hasn't occurred to me that my friends have never met Tyler. They obviously knew that Liam had a brother, but I have never gotten the chance to introduce them, especially since he was always away at college.

During my accident, Tyler took care of me too. He was here more often than usual but never had he met my friends. I've told him about them, but they have never met him.

"Hey! I wasn't aware you guys were having a sleepover," he looked around the room, spotting the alcohol.  "And a drunken one at that," He smirked.

I giggled. "Guys, this is Tyler,"

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