Chapter 15

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The whole morning Sarah, Skyler and I were quiet.

There was a sense of awkwardness when we were cleaning the tent this morning.

Not that there's much to clean it because none of us even slept inside it.

I spend the night with Liam, and along the way, we both fell asleep. And when I left this morning, he was still fast asleep.

When I returned to the tent, Sarah was just coming in. Soon after, Skyler came back.

Sarah and I hugged her, letting her know how worried we were for her, but she seemed to brush us off.

Letting us know that it really wasn't that bad in the woods, surprising us both.

I could tell we all wanted to say something to eachother but didn't know how to start.

Especially me.

I was aware of what happened between both of them. But I didn't want to say anything until they did. I never meant to see any of what happened, but I did, and it feels wrong to ask when I didn't even know if they wanted to say anything.

But finally, someone did. But it wasn't any of us. Or about what happened.

"Come on, ladies," one of the teachers on the trip said. "We are starting the activities in 2 minutes," she informed before leaving.

We looked at eachother. "Let's see what they have planned," I said, and we left the tent.

Maybe this will be a good distraction.

The teacher was already explaining that everyone will go on a scavenger hunt today for the first activity. She told us we would be separated into groups of 5, and we are allowed to pick our groups.

The teachers explained that they have hidden sets of 5 keys in total for each group around the woods, and we had used the map and the clues provided to find them and find our way back to the campsite.

Sarah Skyler and I already formed a group, but we still needed two more people, and I didn't know if anyone even wanted to join our group. However, everyone around us already found their group.

"Do you think they will let us go in groups of three?" Sarah asked. I shrugged my shoulder. "I think we need five people for each key," I told her.

"Well, I'm going to go ask Reese. At least I know he will join," Skyler shrugged.

"I don't think that will happen. He most likely will go with Liam," I said.

Sky groaned. "Maybe we can still ask him. Beside Liam is your boyfriend. He for sure will not say no to you, " she smirked.

Boyfriend. We haven't even decided that. I wasn't even sure if he wanted him to be my boyfriend but having someone else call him my boyfriend seemed so odd in so many ways.

"He's not my boyfriend Sky, and I don't think he will say yes either,"

"Hello, ladies, mind if I join," we turned to see Reece come up to us. I looked over at Sky, who had a smile on her face.

"Yes, we were just going to ask you," she said to him.

"Well, those guys are the most competitive when it comes to the game, and I think it would be more fun with you guys anyway," he smiled.

"Ya, we're not having fun! We're going to win," Skyler put her hand up.

"Great, but we still need one more person!" Sarah mentioned.

"I'll join," Liam came up behind me. "You left without saying anything this morning," he whispered down to me.

"I didn't want to wake you up," I told him.

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