Birthday Special 🎉🎂🥳

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Omar smelled the delicious air, oh how much he loved smelling air. Air was the reason he was currently alive right now, he loves air so much. But of course not as much as he loves Akaashi. Akaashi is like his own personal air when he's around him.

"Happy birthday Omar-kun!" The raven haired boy smiled handing Omar a nicely wrapped present. There were no mistakes in the wrapping and to top it off he tied a bow on it as well. "Oh! Thanks Akaashi-Kun!" Omar gratefully grabbed the gift putting it inside of his school bag along with all of his other gifts. The two neared the school gym hearing the sounds of volleyballs hitting the floor aggressively along with the sound of shoes squeaking on the hard wood floor.

Akaashi slid the door open having everyone's attention turn over to Omar. In a second they all rushed to Omar wishing him a happy birthday and handing even more gifts. "Ah yes, praise me me more." Omar proudly stated. Practice was like the regular, Omar just did all his manager duties before going to meet up with his friends at a local park. All of them had separate clubs so they decided to just meet up after school at a specific location. As Omar neared the park he could hear the faint sounds of voices laughing and talking.

The closer he got the more clear their words sounded. "Guys is it just me or....does Omar seem a little emotional with the air lately?..." Esi asked as she kicked her feet in the air while she sat on the swing set. "In like air as in oxygen then yes, it's like he has some connection to it." Ivon added on, Vedell nodded in agreement while Anderson and Juan minded their own business while scrolling on social media not giving a care of what was being discussed at that very moment. "Hellooooo!" Omar yelled rushing over to the group.

They all greeted Omar with a smile and wave before they all walked towards a diner to eat at for Omar's birthday. Taking their seats, they browsed the menu before Omar heard even more familiar voices in the diner. He perked his head up away from his menu looking at the table across him, there sat the volleyball team. They were eating together without him, but he did say he was going out with friends after practice. Omar ignored them as their waitress came over taking their orders.

Moments later their food arrived, they had many conversations as they ate together in peace. "Guys....I have to tell you something....." Omar stated. The group looked at him as they watched him climb to the top of the table. "Okay thanks for stepping on my food shithead." Ivon hissed earning a laugh out of Vedell. Omar glanced at the table across from them seeing they were all looking up at his figure standing tall on a table. With that Omar turned into a magical goddess/ demon/ queen/ king/ ugly/ cool/ aesthetic/ SWAGSWAGSWAG/ goddess of air.

He transformed into his true form wearing a tomato costume. Everyone gasped loudly in shock, Omar took a notice of Akaashi's glossy eyes. Akaashi stood from his chair rushing out the restaurant in a hurry. 'Oh no!' Omar panicked as he flew with the power of wind to catch up to Akaashi. "AKAASHI-KUN!" Omar yelled out as he found him on a bridge staring over the small pond under him. Omar stood next to him grabbing onto the railings. there was an awkward silence between the two until Akaashi decided to speak up.

"W-Why didn't you tell me?...." Guilt came over Omar as he averted his gaze away from Akaashi's. "I didn't want anything to come between us....I didn't want you to see me differently because I'm a magical goddess/ demon/ queen/ king/ ugly/ cool/ aesthetic/ SWAGSWAGSWAG/ goddess of air...." Omar frowned as Akaashi pulled him into a tight embrace. "Omar-Kun....I don't care if you're a magical goddess/ demon/ queen/ king/ ugly/ cool/ aesthetic/ SWAGSWAGSWAG/ goddess of air....I'll love you no matter what just please don't keep anymore secrets from me...." Omar wrapped his arms around Akaashi as he apologized.

"Omar....I love you! Happy birthday...." And with that they shared a tender kiss on the bridge as the sunset, the sounds of the water moving could be heard as they kissed. They pulled away for air smiling at each other. "Until the end my love." And with that the birthday special ends. THE END.


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