Chapter 5-...Slender Mansion?!

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I awoke to the sounds of crying...It was Sally. She was crying blood in the corner of the dark room. "Sally...are you okay?Where am I?" She couldn't hear me above the sounds of her sobbing, so I got out of the bed and walked over to her,rubbing her back in slow circles. She then looked at me and hugged me, staining my gray hoodie with blood.

"Oh,Anna. I thought you were dead too! I'm so sorry for scaring you...please forgive me!" She cries. I hold her close. "It's okay...but where are we?" I ask.

"We're in the Slender Mansion,where me and some of the other pastas you've seen earlier were. Daddy sent them all to their rooms so they won't bother you. Are you hungry?"She says. I nod no, but my stomach growls loud to tell that's a lie. She giggles and takes my hand then we both go down to the kitchen."We have lots to eat!"She says then whispers,"I bet you I can sneak some of LJ's candy." Then we hear a laugh coming from behind us. We look to see a monochrome clown walk into the kitchen.

"Hahahahahahaha!! Touch my candy and you die!"He says. I look at the clown and he must've noticed me staring because he holds out his hand. "Laughing Jack's the name,candy is the game! Hahahahahahaha!!!"I shake it nervously,careful not to touch his claws. "M-my name is Anna..."He laughs and my face turns red. 'Why is this black and white freak laughing at me?!' I think.

"Since you're so cute,how about a piece of candy?! I made it myself,but this isn't the poison one,promise! Haha!!" He says holding out a lollipop. Usually I'd refuse taking candy from strangers,especially weird clowns,but I was hungry so I took it and stuck it in my mouth so fast that I almost forgot to take the wrapper off.

Sally glares at him."Aren't you guys supposed to be in your rooms? She'll get scared and pass out again,cause of you."

"Hahahaha!At least she's getting fed,and she's afraid of you too, remember?!" LJ says.

"Hey,it's fine. I actually like clowns,they're kinda cool."I say and they both nod reassuringly. "Hey what time is it anyway?"

"It's about 11 pm." They both say and LJ laughs.

"Oh shit!" I look at my phone and see a bunch of missed phone calls and messages from my mom, asking where I was."I'm sorry guys but I gotta go,I'm so punished!!" I yell running out the door and they both wave goodbye to me. I'm running through the woods and run into a beautiful girl with black hair  and dress.

"Have you seen Jeff?!" She asks,holding the knife to my neck.

"N-no,not since earlier and I really have to go so...please"I say and she stares into my soul for a while before finally letting me go.

"I'm Jane the Killer. But you may just call me Jane." She says. "I was looking for that bitch Jeff but I guess I'll walk you home, make sure you're safe."

I nod and begin running. "Okay but keep up because I'm in huge trouble!" She nods and follows me. When I arrive home,Jane pats my head and says,"Don't go to sleep..." before disappearing. I kept that in mind but didn't pay attention to what she was saying,just walked in the door and saw my mom sitting on the couch angrily.

"I can explai-"I started but she interrupts me with a,"I don't want to hear it,you know the deal,no video games,no phone,no tv,and no Miranda. Room. Now!!!" I hang my head and walk to my room gathering my things and putting them near the door. Then I lay on my bed sadly. After my mom grabs my things,I sigh. "Never again." I say.

Sally rubs my back. "I'm really sorry,"she says,"We all are,like come over tomorrow and we'll-"

"I can't come over,I can't go anywhere but school tomorrow,"I say a bit annoyed. 'Did she really expect me to go back there?! What,does she think we're buddies or something?!' I think.

"Or you could not go to school? Please we worked really hard on this surprise for you." She says sadly. I sigh and nod. "Fine..I'll come for a quick moment extra early,but then I have to go to school,"I say.

She jumps around my room happily and I giggle. "Goodnight dream haunting."

"Okay,I promise!"

DARK HEART: Hewo! I actually have nothing to say,but do you like it? Any suggestions I'd love to hear so just comment ok?

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