Chapter 1: Accident/Child Protective Services

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*Lucas and Elizabeth have been dating for two years. Elizabeth has a ten year old daughter named MaKenzie from her previous marriage where she became a widow. Then three weeks after Elizabeth's late husband's passing Elizabeth found out she was pregnant with her daughter MaKenzie and it was very hard for Elizabeth to raise her daughter until she met Lucas when MaKenzie was eight.*
*Lucas walks in the house with fear in his eye*
Elizabeth then walks down stairs and sees the fear in Lucas's eyes*
Elizabeth: Lucas where's MaKenzie? Why isn't she with you
*Lucas looks at her and tears start to fall*
Lucas: Elizabeth there's been an accident
Elizabeth: What do you mean Lucas?
*Lucas stands up and walks over to Elizabeth and takes both of her hands*
Lucas: Kenzie has been hurt. She's hurt really bad. We were sitting next to the pond and she fell into the pond and hit her head
*Tears form in Elizabeth's eyes*
Elizabeth: What! Where is she I have to get to her
*Lucas grabs Elizabeth's hand and strokes it with his thumb*
Lucas: Elizabeth you can't just yet
Elizabeth: Lucas don't tell me I can't get near her she's my daughter.
*Elizabeth's tears fall down her face*
Lucas: We will go as soon as Carson gives the ok.
*Lucas hugs Elizabeth then kisses her forehead*
Lucas: Everything will be ok.
*Lucas takes Elizabeth's hand as they sit down on the couch and wait for word from Carson*
**Two Hours Later**
*Carson knocks on Elizabeth's door, Lucas then Gets up and goes and opens the front door*
Lucas: Carson is she okay??
*Carson looks around and sees a bourse that isn't right for a child to live in*
Carson: I'm gonna have to have Child Protected Services remove Kenzie from your care.
*Elizabeth shots up and tears form*
Elizabeth: You will not take my baby from me
*Lucas tries not to go off on Carson*
Carson: I'm sorry, but it's what has to happen.
Elizabeth: You need to let me see my daughter.
Carson: I'm afraid I can't do that
*Lucas pulls Elizabeth out of Carson's face*
Elizabeth: Lucas let go of me.
Lucas: Just listen to Carson.
Carson: You need to straighten up and stop drinking but until then Kenzie can't be in your guy's care. I'm sorry.
*Elizabeth runs to the infirmary*
*Kenzie has already left with child protective services*
Elizabeth: No please don't take my little girl
*Elizabeth starts crying*

To Be Continued...............

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