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            It's been a while since Channing and I have last spoken. I didn't expect him to call me and I hope he didn't expect me to call him because it was not going to happen. But I was afraid that if we didn't talk, then it would be the end of us. I guess we are both that damn stubborn. I really wanted to talk to him. I craved him. I hated that I liked him so much. I felt that I was more invested in this relationship than he is but that night at the ring did make me a feel a little better some type of way. He does care. He just shows it in a really weird way I guess.

My dad and Patrice were making the final touches to their wedding. It was exciting but weird at the same time. Everything was happening so fast but he seemed so happy so I didn't want to ruin it for him. I helped as much as possible except when Patrice asked me to be one of the four bridesmaids in the wedding. I couldn't say no; that'd be rude but I rather not. We went to many dress rehearsals. It was a nice time but not my cup of tea. I guess I'm not close enough to her to be super excited about it. We were in the living room with things scattered everywhere. They were finally finishing everything.

"Did you pick up your tux?" Patrice asked.

"Yeah. I have to get the pants fixed." He replied.

"Hemmed." She politely corrected him.

"Right." He brushed it off.

"How many people are coming?" I asked.

"It's small. Only about 100." Patrice smiled.

"Channing just sent in his RSVP." My dad spoke up.

"Oh cool." I said trying to not sound interested. He didn't even tell me that he was going. I was bit excited but I was kind of hoping that we could talk again before the wedding. I decided to take matters into my own hands. I excused myself from the living room and grabbed my things and out to my car. It was a risky move not to ask for permission but I didn't want to take the chances of the answer 'no'. I drove to Channing's house easily without traffic. When I arrived, I parked in the large driveway and hopped out of the car. I was about to knock on the door when I realized that it was ajar. I slowly pushed it open and walked in a bit, scared to what I would see this time. The front entrance looked neat as usual. I walked further in. I was startled when a short older woman came running over to me crying hysterically.

"You have to help him! He's yelling and throwing things! Please, help me!" She cried in her thick accent. I nodded and walked to where she came from while she stayed in her spot continuing to cry. I was getting scared of the sight I would see. I dropped my bag in the dining room and slowly crept into the kitchen. When I entered, all I saw was broken glass all over the floor.

"Channing." I lightly called his named. He looked over at me and the sight broke my heart. He was crying. His eyes were puffy and red from crying so much. He had a plate in his hand. I was scared that he was going to throw it against the wall and break another one. "What's going on?" I cautiously asked.

"He's dead!" He cried.

"Who?" I asked as I walked closer.

"I was such an ass to him. I called him names and ignored him for years and now he's dead!" He cried even more. Tears started to build in my eyes as I watched him.

"Channing, who?" I asked again.

"My dad! He's been trying to stay in touch with me the whole time. He wrote and even sent me cards on my fucking birthday! I didn't deserve that, and now he's gone." He threw another plate causing a loud sound. I decided to be brave and go up to him.

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