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            "Mia, let's go." I quickly finished applying my makeup when my dad called my name from downstairs. I looked at my body length mirror inspecting myself. I was pleased with my careless outfit. It was black leggings and a cream sweater with dingy looking Timberland boots, considering that it is winter. I had straightened my long hair earlier but ended up pulling it into a ponytail. I grabbed my black schoolbag and ran downstairs, being greeted and somewhat rushed by my dad at the door.

          "It's about time." My dad mumbled. I punched his arm in a joking manner. My dad and I walked out of the house and over to my dad's black pickup truck and the both of us climbed in and buckled up. My dad started the engine and we were on our way to my school. "Mia, I'll pick you up at three. Please be out on time because I have to go back to the ring afterwards." My dad explained. You see, my dad is a boxing coach. He's actually really good at his job. He used to be a boxer himself. He won many championships worldwide, then settled down and just decided to coach, which he is pretty good at too. He's so dedicated to his job and he loves it a lot. He gets so much adoration from his students. Coach Rhodes this, Coach Rhodes that. They look up to him a lot and honestly, so do I. He was pretty cool, for a dad. I snapped out of my thoughts when my dad pulled up at the door of Portland High. "Mia, please be out on time." My dad pleaded.

"I will." I agreed. I jumped out of the car, grabbing my bag from the floor. I closed the door and followed the group of students entering the large building.

        I made my way through the hallway, going to my locker. I earned a few stares in awe from some people. I don't know why they liked me, but I never questioned it. I figured it was because of my dad and we kind had a lot of money yet we didn't really use it. I approached my locker and put my combination in. I opened it, taking a few books out and putting them in my schoolbag. As I was zipping my bag, my locker door slammed shut, leaving me to jump in surprise.

       "What the hell Sara!" I yelled as the fake redhead was laughing.

"Sorry, did I scare you?" She asked while giggling. I put my bag on my back and we started walking further down the hallway. "So what's going on after school? Can we hit the mall? Flirt with a few guys?" She nudged my shoulder. I smiled at her, trying to hold back a little laugh.

       "No. I'm going to the ring with my dad." I said and she groaned in reply.

"Why does he always steal you away from me?" She whined. We turned the corner, walking into the classroom, sitting in the back.

      "He's my dad. I have to go."

"Of course you do. There are hot sweaty guys there 24/7." She sarcastically retorted.

       "No." I retorted. "I actually like boxing as a sport and I like to hang out with coach. There's nothing wrong with that." I explained. She sighed, shaking her head, not buying what I said.

      The day went by quickly. Right as the bell rang, I scurried outside to be greeted by my dad's car. I jumped in, slamming the door shut.

      "Be careful." He hissed.

"Sorry..." I mumbled.

      "How was school?" He questioned, trying to make conversation.

"Like usual. How was the ring earlier?" I asked.

      "It was good. We got a new guy." He grinned, keeping his light green eyes on the road.

"Oh yeah? Is he any good?"

      "He's really good. I'm very impressed. I think I want to put him in a match this weekend."

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