A Songs for you

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Two months later ..

Jungkook throws away another pieces of crumpled paper on the floor. He can't believe that he wasn't able to compose any song since two months ago. He always be known as artistic Jungkook, everything he done will turn to be masterpieces like what his hyungs said. However, he feel lately something blocked his brain to think any idea.

"You can do it. Just give you time for yourself. To be an multitalented idol is not easier. But still you already doing good. Why you kept forced yourself to compose another song?"

RM give him advices when he literally spend time more in his mini studio rather than with his members. He know their worried about him but he can't stop himself. He already promise with someone ..

"When will you come back, Doll?"

"I'll but not now"

"Can you give a specific date? So I will focus on myself rather than kept messages you to ask the same question"

"Mmm .. how about you compose a songs for me, one months one songs, can you do it?"

"Compose a song?"

"Yeah. Include you emotion in your songs, Kook ah. I know it will be the best songs ever if you do it. You said you miss me, so why not you tell me your story through you songs? You know, I really love a romantic man. But I more love a man who's can make me melting with his different charms, he show me something new side on himself. Mm like I love flower and bears, but I more love someone whose can give me unexpectedly present. It was my dream Kookie ah, for someone being crazy over me, for someone whose really love me inside out without any doubt about myself. Isn't it the man who will be my partner is full of charms? So. Can you do that?"

"For you, Lisa. Anything for you"

"So next months I gonna hears you new songs, right? Ahh I'm excited! Ah! I need to go now, Kook. I'll call you when I have time. I really busier nowadays"

"Yeah. I promise, Lisa. You better be there next months"

Not all their wishes will come true. Lisa don't call him after next months, means he already have two songs to compose. For the third months, he become more messing up.

"I really need to make myself useful and start writing something" He mumbles to himself as he open back a yellow notebook, a gift from Lisa before she gone.

Jungkook sighs to himself as he shook his head disbelief he can't think something before let the notebook hanging. When he ready to close the notebook, he saw something writing on the back of the pages.

He smile when reads it. He was surprised how this smallest things make he get an idea to scribble something.

"My dear Lalisa, you know, you're my euphoria"

Jungkook always doing good when compose a song but for this time he will never have done it without his muse, his soulmate, his beloved one.


He was surprised how things got spread out really quickly. The moments he step out from his mini studio, his hyungs give applause for his new songs on top search in Melon for straight 2 days.

"But- I'll not ready to coming out with my song yet"

"Eh. Why? You compose it take more than three months, Jungkook. Why you want to hide it again? Armys already hears the teaser, and give the respond positive. You should released it when they still demand for it. Looks, they kept trending your name and the teaser"

"No. Not yet. Let's they waiting for it"

"For how long?"

Jungkook doesn't want to be treated like some cocky idol and spoil brat, make a song then being in hiatus, he want the best for himself, also for his group. But promise is still promise, the promise he make with the Barbie Doll would not be broken. He will waiting until his muse call him or maybe appears in front of him.



Taehyung didn't know how long he fall asleep. When he woke up, he feel a pain on his head. He looks around, he can tell that it's already late evening. He missed his lunch due to long nap and now his was extremely hungry. He quietly sits down before feel someone patted his head, and bring his head leans on her shoulder.

"Mmm Baby~"

"Are you okay, Taetae? You don't ever want to woke up"

"I feel so tired, Baby"

"Yeah. I know but please take care of yourself. You sleep too long. I'm hungry for waiting you woke up"

"You not eat yet?! Yahh you can eat first, aigoo pity my Baby tummy, it must growled a whole days"

"Good things you know! Mm but I want to eat with you, we rarely have time together since your become an idol"

"Mm eat with me or want to be eating, huh?"

"Ya- yahh .. I'm hungry, Taetae ah"

"Me too. But I more hungry to touch you, Baby. My schedule so tight make me can't stop thinking of you"

"Hey, don't be so naughty. You should save you sperm for the future. Come on, let's eat!"

"But how about my junior, Baby? He need your~"

"Stop Tae oppa. You should take a rest. We need something important to discuss later"

"Huh? What's that?"

"Okay. I'll tell now. Taehyung oppa, I- I be accepted!"

"Accepted what?"

"Yg.E send an email today"

"Hah?! This means .."

"I'll become an idol, Taetae ah!"

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Are you excited with me too?"

"Mm. Yeah"

"I'm happy, Taetae!"

Not she know, Taehyung don't ever agree her girlfriend will be an idol too like him. He want to protest but he shut down his mouth when his girlfriend super excited until talking the same things for a whole days. An idol world is not like the normal world, how can she dream to be an idol since she know his hectic schedule?

Taehyung sighs to himself as he breaths in the lonely. The worst things happen without he expected. He look sad and pathetic but this is what he's precisely doing since she gone. He badly want to be alone and away from the busy life but he will never can't forget the person he love.

"It's been a years since the incidents happen Baby~ I wonders how are you. Looks like everyone moved on but me .. I still stuck with the same Kim Taehyung. I'm sorry Lisa, please come back to me"

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