May 5, 1996

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Harry was sitting beneath a tree in one of the courtyards. The sun was shining down on a Sunday afternoon, and he was planning on spending as much time outside in the nice weather that he could. The past few days, he had been stuck inside, cramming for his exams and finishing off his last assignments. Snape had him running around doing all sorts of extra jobs, marking first year essays, grading potions, brewing potions, scrubbing down the brewing lab. He had been exhausted on Saturday, sleeping in till almost eleven, and then spent the day lazing about.

But waking up on Sunday, he had felt refreshed. So after having breakfast, which he indulged in and had an extra waffle, he grabbed some parchment, his ink and quill, and headed outside to write to Fleur. It had been a week since his last letter to her, and he had been excited when she had replied the very next day. Their letters were a mix of talking about school, their friends, and then Harry's issues. Fleur had been his rock, always encouraging him no matter how much his thoughts made him doubt himself. And then there was the picture. She had sent it to him a few letters before, a photograph of herself, dressed in her Beauxbatons uniform, twirling around with a cheeky smile before blowing him a kiss. He had loved it. He kept in safe in her potions journal, nestled on whatever page he had last marked.

Harry had Fleur's picture resting on the top half of his parchment as he wrote, leaning against his Charm's textbook. Her cheeky smile made him wish that she was sitting beside him; he could just imagine her giggle.


Things have been busy this past week, so I apologise for the delay in my response. I am thrilled that your classes have been going so well, and please do assure Blanche that we shall meet once we have the time. I have no doubt she shall give me a suitable 'best friend' integration.

I do hope that you are able to attend the final Quidditch match, but I understand if your studies keep you at school.

Harvey has asked to meet you. That is the most recent development he has become insistent on after finding me reading your letter the other day. He said, 'I want to know who made you happy again.' And I couldn't agree more, you have defiantly made me happy again.

Things with my parents have been good; Dad still writes his weekly letter, and Mum has frequently been writing too. I did have to point out to her that Harvey seemed a little unnerved when he noticed how often she was writing to me. It seems that he too, now receives a weekly letter, something that he seems to enjoy. It gives me hope that if things continue to go the way they are, that maybe one day, I will be able to forgive my mum and have the relationship I always wanted.

I miss you, and I look at the photograph you sent me every day, waiting for the day I can see you smile in real life.

Take care and with all my love,


Harry quickly dried the ink before folding the letter in half.

"Writing to your girlfriend?"

Harry looked up to see Carlisle walking towards him. "I am. What happened to spending the afternoon with your girlfriend?"

Carlisle frowned. "We were spending the afternoon together. Enjoy some quality time, getting the build-up of stress from all of the studying that we have been doing."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Why can't you just say you were having sex?"

Carlisle smirked. "What's the fun in that?" He sat down beside Harry. "Anyway, we weren't even too the main event when Draco interrupted us."

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