Chapter 43: Face-off

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Go Haeri let Cha Dal-geon's hand fall from hers and started forward unconsciously, and Samael raised his right hand, idly twirling a long silver knife in it.

"Careful, Haeri-ssi," he said lazily. "My hand might slip."

Haeri went still. "You let him go," she said in a tight voice.

"All in good time, Haeri-ssi," Samael said smoothly. "I have need of him yet. Do not fear, however. He's perfectly safe at the moment."

Namjoon caught sight of the knife and reached for it, thinking it was a new play object for his amusement.

Samael laughed and held it away from his reach. "Not yet, young man. Later, perhaps."

He returned his attention to Haeri. "I can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you in person at last, Haeri-ssi. I've heard so much about you."

"You'll understand why I can't say the feeling is mutual, Shin Samael," Haeri returned, her eyes still on Namjoon.

There was a slight hesitation. "Ah. You have discovered more of my secrets than I realized."

She shrugged. "No one can skulk in the shadows forever. It was always a matter of time before we found you."

He chuckled, displaying a perfect set of pearly white teeth. "Yet you are only here because I summoned you. I'm afraid time is no longer on your side."

"We'll see," she said coolly.

Samael turned his attention to Dal-geon. "And you, Cha Dal-geon? You're awfully quiet, for once. Haven't you anything to say to me - a greeting for your old friend?"

"Only this," Dal-geon said. "Let Haeri-ssi go, and the boy, and I'll do whatever you want. Just don't hurt them."

"An intriguing offer, Dal-geonssi," Samael said with interest. "One I will need to consider most carefully. For now, though, we will proceed with my original plan."

"What plan is that?" Haeri asked warily.

"Why, to ensure Cha Dal-geon understands exactly how much he has to lose in this world. You'd think he would have learned by now, but he still doesn't seem to appreciate the gifts that have been bestowed upon him."

Haeri frowned. "You don't seem surprised to see him here."

He laughed. "Why should I be surprised? I planned for it."

"But the note-you only asked for me," she said, her mind reeling.

He shrugged. "I knew if I could come up with the means of inducing you to come here, Cha Dal-geon would follow. All I needed to do was set the scene."

"Set the scene? Is that why you made me put on this horrible dress and come out on this stage to meet you?"

"Don't you like the dress? Pity. I took special care in choosing it. If I do say so, you look lovely in it, Haeri-ssi," Samael complimented her. "Far more fitting attire for the female lead of our little drama than your usual clothes."

Haeri didn't trouble to keep the scorn out of her voice. "I suppose you think you're the male lead?"

He chuckled. "Certainly not. That would be Cha Dal-geon."

"Which makes you what?" Dal-geon asked.

He smiled slightly. "The director, of course."

"Is that what this is about?" she asked, her voice thick with disgust. "You get me to put on this ridiculous dress and have us come out on this stage so you can jerk us around like puppets on a string for your amusement?"

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