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Roseanne closed her eyes, letting out a heavy sigh,

Her hands are shaking as she reached out to get the strip that will determine her life for the next few months. She squatted on the toilet bowl and started taking a leak, making sure that the tip of the strip absorbs some of the water she emitted.

"Please, Lord. I will not do it again, I swear." She whispered as she waited for a few seconds. Why did she ever think it was a good idea to abandon Churchgirl Chaeng?

After making sure she had enough fluid samples, she placed the strip on the sink, letting it render the results.

She washed her face with cold water from the faucet, hoping it could magically wash away the thousands of thoughts in her head, growing eager to fuel her anxiety. Obviously, it did nothing other than to make her shiver.

She roughly ran her hands on her face.

She felt like the most stupid person in the world right now.

If the test turns out to be positive, she's screwed.

She's still studying. She's actually in her third year at one of the most prestigious law schools in Seoul. His parents have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into sustaining the financial demands of her study despite them being in the middle class in terms of social hierarchy. Her family expects her to finish the degree next school year so her dad could finally retire and so she won't have to work abroad, following her sister Alice who's now in Australia as a clerk. The last thing that she needed right now is a baby.

The fact that his boyfriend isn't ready gives her more reason to hate the situation.

Park Jimin.

He met her during college. He was that typical University boy who had every girl on their knees begging for his attention. Rightfully so, he is the most handsome person Roseanne had come across with. Not to mention, he's smart, has a good physique, is oozing with talent, and has the most irresistible charms.

Of course, Roseanne is not immune to that charm. After almost 6 months of courting, they officially dated. 5 years later, she's in a comfort room, taking a pregnancy test because she's stupid enough to trust him when he boasted about an impressive pull-out game.

He isn't blaming his boyfriend. Not at all. The sex was something that they both consented to. Although she thinks it's unfair that she has to suffer the worst with the blow because obviously, Jimin will not be the one to carry the child. He still understood why Jimin isn't ready.

She could still remember when she opened up hypothetical questions about building a family. That was the time she started to feel something different within her body, which of course, she didn't tell him.

His stance was clear when he said he doesn't want any responsibility yet. He said he wanted to finish his master's degree in business (his dad's wish) first and hopefully pursue another degree that he personally likes, which is on media and entertainment. Roseanne, while disappointed, understood him. Mainly because if she would be given a choice, she'd do the same.

The fact that Jimin's family resented her isn't much of help either. Jimin is supposed to be in an arranged marriage with an heiress. But the man refused for the reason that he already had Roseanne, a middle-class girl whom his family thinks is another gold-digging whore.

"Rose?" Lisa said from the other side of the door, allowing her to break away from her deep pondering. "Are you okay? Did you already have the results?" She asked.

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