Chapter 1

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Almost two years later

"Hello, Roseanne?"

The voice from the other line said as soon as Roseanne picked up the call. 

"Unnie!" She screamed. 

"Where are you now? We're already outside the airport," Jisoo, one of her best friends, said excitedly. 

"I'm just waiting for my luggage, Unnie. I'll be coming out in a while." Roseanne replied.

"Rose, you better hurry up! I can't wait to see Joonwoo!" Roseanne heard Lisa screaming from the background. 

As if understanding the situation, the little man Roseanne carried giggled while excitedly shaking his tiny fists. Roseanne can't help but smile widely at him and kiss the tip of his nose. 

Park Joonwoo. 

Roseanne's 10-month old baby. Her bundle of joy. The love of her life. He was her source of strength. The only thing that matters the most to her. 

She's not going to lie and say things were all rainbows and butterflies when Joonwoo arrived. There were days she regretted her decisions and wanted to run away from everything. She was alone, or at least she felt so alone. She was a single mother, miles away from her family. She was trying to deal with the shock of having to sustain another life and the pain of disappointing everyone, especially herself. Things were at rock-bottom for her during her early days in Australia. 

But Joonwoo kept her sane just by cooing and flapping his little arms. Every time she looks at the little guy, everything becomes worth it. She can have the worst day at work and come home to a smiling baby, and everything in her world is right.  There's no replacement for the pure joy Joonwoo provides. Many people would say he was a mistake, but for Roseanne, Joonwoo is far from that. He is a gift. 

"We're coming!" Chaeyoung said as soon as she got her luggage. She heard baffled screaming from the other side of the line, which she concludes are sounds of enthusiasm. She did not bother understanding it and decided to end the call instead. 

She turned to the young man she's carrying. His tiny orbs are sparking so bright as if he holds the universe in his eyes. 

"Are you ready to meet your Imos?" She asked. The baby wiggled his body while his eyes formed into little crescents. 

"You're excited, huh? Let's go!" Roseanne said, dragging her luggage towards the exit. 

As soon as she came out of the airport building, the familiar breeze of the wonderful City of Seoul greeted her. Her eyes wandered around, thoroughly inspecting the view stretched before her: Gigantic billboards, Cars caught in traffic honking, and pedestrians taking calls on the streets. This was the same old busy Seoul she left almost 2 years ago, except for some revamped infrastructures here and there.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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