His Butler, Able: Part 2

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The young earl seemed startled at my outburst, the room seemingly began to spin at the boy's words. I was to marry the mysterious butler of the Phantomhive estate and I hadn't even known him for a day yet. I gripped and ruffled my maid dress with tension clearly written on my form.  "What?" I said with the calmest voice I could manage, but the sheer furry managed to peak through its' facade.

"Did I stutter the first time I said it? You are to marry Sebastian Michaelis." The young master stated as if I had no opinion in the choice. I looked up at Sebastian who was currently smirking down at me, pride written into his facial features. I felt heat rush to my (S/C) cheeks and I turned away from the butler and stared blankly at the wall. I wanted to protest but no words came to me. I felt a stare lingering on my back and I had a feeling that it was because of a certain butler.

"Now," Ciel continued, "Seeing as you are to marry my butler I want you following the same chore schedule as him, you are to work along side him. You shall be there with him when he awakens me in the morning, and when he puts me to sleep at night. Wherever he goes, no matter what chores he does, you are to be there along side him unless I say otherwise. Is that clear (F/N)" the Earl stated to me.  

I shuddered lightly when I felt a gloved hand come to rest on my shoulder. "Yes-s sir" I said to my new young master. 'I am to marry a man I barely know, and if I don't I will most likely end up on the streets. Sebastian is the most handsome man I've ever seen, I'll give him that much, but I don't know anything about his personality'  I thought.

The young Earl gave me a strage look at me and Sebastian who currently had his hand on my shoulder. "That's all the you were both needed for today, you are both dismissed. Sebastian I leave you in charge of your Fiance, now go prepare for our guest." the young master stated in a monotone. 

I stood up from the chair not being able to fully feel my legs because of the blow to my mind I had just gotten, I had been put into an arranged marriage. I began to walk towards the door with Sebastian, "Oh and (F/N) you will not be getting your own room but instead sharing one with Sebastian." Ciel said to me. I nearly lost my temper at this but then I calmed myself down with a deep breath. "Yes, my Lord." I said.

It was then me and Sebastian went to walk out of the study when a dart whizzed for my head and knowing that no normal person could even catch it I prepared to be hit with the dart. To my amazement Sebastian caught it. "Well thrown my Lord, but even so lets save the games for later." the Earl huffed and stared at us, "I suppose your right Sebastian" the young master said. It was then me and Sebastian walked out of the room. "So shall we go to the kitchen to-be-wife" he said, though I wasn't looking at him I could feel the smirk in his voice. I clenched my hands into fists, "You knew about this, didn't you" I hissed with my back turn to the butler. I heard his voice soften as he spoke, "Me and my master had a discussion last night, I was in need of a wife and I took interest in you. You were in need of a husband at the time so me and the young lord decided that you should marry me."

'They planned my future without me?' I thought sadly. Suddenly I felt his gloved hand on my shoulder again, "Are you upset with me?" He asked in a worried tone. "No, it's just a lot to take in at once. I apologize for my rude behavior earlier." I replied.

"Let us not worry about it, I'm sure it is a sudden burden for one to take on. We must not waste our time now though. We have to get to work (F/N)" Sebastian said as he pulled his hand off my shoulder but before completely pulling it back he quickly ran it through my (H/L) (H/C).  This caused my (E/C) orb of eyes to widen with surprise not because of anger, but for some reason I didn't want his hand to leave my shoulder.

He now said nothing and began to walk infront of me taking the silver cart back down with us to what I was assuming was going to be the kitchen. We walked the long winding corridors until we reached a set of doors I did not recognize. He pushed the doors open to reveal the kitchen to me, he then walked into the kitchen and pushed the cart back into the area it belonged. I lingered in the door way until I heard the chuckling voice of Sebastian, "Are you going to come in here, or are you just going to stand there in the doorway?"

I blushed and walked into the lager then average kitchen. I suddenly felt a hand cup my chin which startled me as I was then face to face with the crimson eyed butler, "You look so beautiful when you blush." he whispered to me. I was quite startled seeing as I hadn't even known him a full day and better yet had just found out I was his fiance, but for some odd reason this felt right, as if I was suppose to be with him right now. This caused me to blush even more and I heard Sebastian chuckle from the back of this throat. I felt a wave of alarm when his crimson eyes changed into fuchsia and crimson that glowed with cat like pupils. 

He let out another chuckle, "A bit frightened kitten? Don't worry I won't hurt you." It was then the demonic eyed man had his warm lips on mine in a kiss. 

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