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One week has already passed after Chan started to tutor me. I swear, I have been better at times. 3 hours with him is exhausting. He barely notices me though. Well to be honest, he does his job fine yet, I hate him.

Summer vacation has been better before but this time, I'm here alone doing almost nothing. Jisung and I planned to go to Hyunjin's beach party this afternoon.

It was pretty close from my place. The place looked remote. Maybe he got it at cheap.

"Hey, Felly, so good to see you could make it, man."
"Hey, Hyunjin." I walked up and pulled him in a hug.

Hyunjin was a friend from the same class but we barely had any classes together. We saw each other only on occasions at school yet, he's a pretty fun guy to hang out with. If he lived around my place we could have more meetups.

"Have fun. Checking up on everyone."
"Sure, thanks bro."

I went under a shed and called Jisung as I couldn't see him around.

"Hey dude, where are you?"
"Hey, mate. Sorry I'm kind of stuck in the traffic."
"Traffic? This place is like a seven minutes walk from your place."
"Erm...I had to drop my grandma at the airport."
"Oh, okay. Then come ASAP."
"On it."

It was boring. I don't know if it was me or the surroundings. I mean, I never found anything fun, unless...

"Hey..." I thought I was called so I turned around.
"Yes?" Isn't this the nerd girl who sits beside me at English?
"I'm guessing you're Felix?"
"You don't remember me?"
"Of course I do! I'm really sorry about what happened last time."
"No, don't sweat it. It's fine."

I smiled dryly. "I didn't catch your name.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Yeun ."
"I will remember that." I smiled softly as she chuckled. "Well, would you like to go for a walk?"
"Sure, of course." Only sure was fine. Well, never mind.

Yeun seemed like a pretty nice girl. I had sudden creepy idea to ask her out, even though I had no real guts to do that. What if she freaks out. That's going to be so awkward. We barely know each other. Oh wait, before that, is she single?

"I am." "What?"
"You just asked if she's single."
"What are you! A mind reader?"
"No, you said it out loud." She chuckled.

Shit, fuck. "So, you're single?"

She nods her head to a 'Yes'

"Erm....will you-
"Hey, Yeun! Come here, they are trying fire breathing!"

I was cut. She turned around and looked at me again. "What were you saying?" "It's nothing."
"Are you sure? You know you can tell me."
"Well, I was going to ask you out on a date."
"And I would have said yes."
"Great. Tomorrow, 7 PM?"
"I will call you then."
"Alright." She smiled.

Come to think about it, I haven't told Jisung about it. Maybe, I will later. If things go well. If Yeun and I work out.

I felt a hand around my shoulder so I turned back finding Jisung grinning at me.
"Sorry man I was late, I brought you favorite ice cream."
I sighed and left a small smile.
"You're forgiven." He smiled and looked around. "Have you seen Hyunjin?"
"He greeted me when I came in. I haven't seen him after that."
"I see. Besides that, aren't you in the dance club?"
"I used to be."
"Yeah right. So there's this senior from the dance club named Minho. Do you know him?"
"Lee Minho? He's the club president now."
"That shitface is?"
"What do you mean? Minho hyung is pretty cool."
"That shitface put his car in front of mine and I had to wait 1 hour, the reason why I'm late. I have seen him in the club that's why remembered. I might have killed him on the street if it wasn't for this party and you."
"Yo clam down mate. Maybe it wasn't on purpose. Minho hyung wouldn't do something like that."
I said as I laughed at the raged squirrel faced boy.

"Hey Jisung! 'Sup bro!" Hyunjin waved his hand as he walked towards us.
"I could have been better but nevermind." Jisung sighed
"What happened to him?" Hyunjin gave me a questioned looked and I chuckled then explained everything to him.
"If that's the story then I guess Minho hyung was in a problem. He's a perfectionist, he wouldn't make a mistake like that. Now forget about it, you're here now anyways. Let's go get some fun."
"Yeah that would be nice." Jisung grinned. I just gave them a smile and walked towards the crowded place.

I was feeling better after a long time and I didn't want to go home yet....


The 'Tomorrow 7 PM' came faster than I thought. I called Yeun to know when to pick her up from her place. As I went to her place, I found her waiting for me at the entrance while her dad came up to talk with me.

I'm pretty sure that's her dad.

"You're Lee Felix?"
"Yes, sir."
"I'm Park Wonbin. Yeun's dad."
Could guess. "Nice to meet you, sir."
"Where are you taking her?"
"I don't know yet. Any place she wants to go."
"Young man-
"Oh, dad. You're scaring him. What with this weird interrogation?" Yeun whined.
"I'm just making sure he doesn't have any funny business thoughts in his mind."

Pfft..worst place to laugh, Felix. Control it. This is why I hate elders. I already wanna drop this date and go home. It's going to be awkward I bet my PS5 on it.

"No, sir. I don't, you can rest assured."
"Wish I could."
"Dad....let's go Felix."

Grace pulled my hand towards the road.

"You didn't bring a car?"
"I don't have one."
She chuckled. "Famous Felix doesn't have a car?"
"Never asked for a one. And what's this 'famous' thing?"
"Girls die on you. It's my heaven's luck to get a date with you."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Sure, you don't. So what do you drive?"
"My bike."
"You didn't bring it either?"
"Erm....it's a one person vehicle?"

She laughed again. "Aren't you cute being so lost?" "Never mind. Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't really know...... Maybe I could take you to a place."
I stayed quiet and followed her until we reached the 'A Place' and it's a park.
"It's an isolated one. People don't really come here anymore. I like it because it's quiet."
"True thought the lightning is pretty bad."

We walked around the park as she told me about herself and how she came to this town. "Hey, are you hungry? Because I'm." "I can eat." "Then what are we waiting for."

We left the park and went to the nearest diner there. As we ate, Yeun told me about her family and that her mom is dead. His father didn't get married again.

"Hey, it's almost 11 PM."
"Yeah, so?"
"I guess I should leave for home."
"I will go with you."
"Your place is in the opposite direction."
"Don't worry about that."

We stayed silent for the rest of the walk.

"It was really nice, Felix. Thanks for tonight." She smiled. I nodded and smiled back. As we came up at her yard, she turned back.

Should I kiss her?

What will that mean?

I went forward and hold her hand as I placed a kiss on her cheek. She went quiet for a moment then looked up at me.

"I will call you. Night, Felix."

I smiled and saw her closing the door.

When Summer Comes | Chanlix✅Where stories live. Discover now