Chapter 50

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'Trouble in Paradise?' the picture had written, with Max sleeping in front of my door. It was definitely not good for me and my job. My hands were shaking and I felt like I couldn't breathe when I scrolled to the next article. Before I could read them, I once again didn't have my phone in my hand. But this time it was Sandra who had taken this from me.

"Mobile phone ban, you should have gotten used to it. Why do you still read the shit, you can't care," Sandra wanted to know from me. Since I had not told anyone about the conversation with Mr Schmidt, no one could know what was threatening me. I didn't want to tell any of them, because they would get involved otherwise, and this time they shouldn't. Mr Schmidt should keep me because of my talents, because he sees a diamond in me and not someone else.

I could only hope that these headlines did not have a bad effect on the Max fans. Maybe he wouldn't fire me, but he wouldn't let me continue at Formula One. It was important to listen to the spectators and if most wanted to take me away, he would have no other choice. Of course, as a commentator, you couldn't always please everyone, you didn't have to. But if everyone hated you, it would be hard.

The phone in Sandra's hand started to vibrate, so we all looked at it. Fett was there the name of our boss, so Sandra was forced to give me the mobile phone again. With a very bad feeling, I quickly left the restaurant with my mobile phone, so that I would understand my boss.

My hands trembled when I answered the call: "Good evening Mr. Schmidt, how are you?" I was aware that he didn't call to do small talk, but nothing better had come to mind.

"They come back to Munich immediately, they return to ice hockey. I expect them immediately in Munich, the ticket is already booked", I needed a second to process the whole thing. In addition, I didn't want my boss to hear me cry, and after that I was just too brave. I would go back to the shitty summaries and maybe I would lose Max as well. As he said, he is not the man for long-distance relationships and we would have them again.

I pulled myself together to say, "Of course, I'm going to go to the hotel and pack." Probably my voice had betrayed me, because it was trembling.

"Then we will meet tomorrow in the office, nice evening still Mrs. Gasser," I politely replied his wishes and laid on. The evening had gone for me and it definitely wouldn't be nice any more.

I stopped for a short time because I didn't want to go directly to my colleagues. If I had gone straight in, I wouldn't have been able to hold back and burst into tears. But even before them I didn't want to cry, it would have been unpleasant for me.

The notification tone brought me back to the harsh reality where I had to say goodbye and get my things once in the hotel. In addition, I would also have to write to Max that I was brought to Munich and was no longer allowed to stay in Formula One.

I imagined doing it like a patch, quickly and painlessly: "What did Schmidt want from you?" Leon had seen me coming first, waiting he looked at me. The others also turned their eyes to me, but quickly realized that it was not a good thing.

"I was moved back to ice hockey with immediate effect. My flight goes in two hours, I'm sorry. It was great with you, maybe you see each other again in Munich", so I took my things and wanted to go.

Ralf had got up and stopped me: "He can't do this, I call him. Hanna, you can't just accept that." I turned to him, my eyes were now glassy, because I could hardly hold back my feelings.

'He's my boss, our boss. If Mr. Schmidt orders me to ice hockey, I will have to work there. If I didn't have to, I wouldn't leave you, not during a race weekend," I assured him. You could see that he was struggling with the decision, and the rest seemed to want to keep me.

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