Chapter 137

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"Can you please pull yourselves together for five minutes? I'm trying to do my job here," I tried to keep Lando and Carlos in check. For five minutes I had been trying to make the introduction for a game with the two of them. But they were constantly chatting in the background or faxing, so they made me laugh and we had to start again.

Lando looked at me innocently: "I don't know what you mean, it's not our fault that you can't do your job." He cheekily stuck his tongue out at me, which I replied before turning back to the camera. Udo gave me the signal that the camera was still running and I could start whenever I wanted.

"We're here at the McLaren motorhome," I tried to block out everything else, "With me are the two jokers here, Lando Norris and Carlos Sainz." I had noticed how Lando had tried to make me laugh again, but this time I was able to remain somewhat serious.

"Are you ready for Mr. and Mr.?", of course, the two nodded. But they didn't know they were supposed to work together. Each match gives one point, we would do the same with all teams. Let's see which team works best together.

Carlos and Lando seemed to be enthusiastic about it to a limited extent: "Shoot off with your questions." They stood back to back so they couldn't see each other's answer right away.

"Which of the two of you," I began with the first question, "is the bigger heartthrob?" Immediately, Lando held himself up, which I acknowledged with raised eyebrows. I liked Lando a lot, but he wasn't necessarily known as a heartthrob, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. At least he's not a womanizer like others have been accused of.

"You two called yourselves," I dissolved, as Carlos had also held up his plaque with his name on it. Then a discussion broke out between the two, which was admittedly amusing. Especially if you knew both of them.

But we had to move on quickly, because we only have a certain amount of time available: "Done discussion, guys. Let's move on to the next question, please turn your back again. Which of you is more superstitious?" This time, they agreed with Lando.

It was really difficult to make any progress with the two of them, but in the end we had all ten questions in the box. While the boys were freed from the cables, Charles and Sebastian arrived at our place. When they saw the tablets, they probably realized what was about to happen.

Unlike the McLaren boys, Charles and Sebastian were faster, but not quite as relaxed. The atmosphere between the two was a bit more tense or colder. Which also made me tense up a bit.

"Are you planning to?" Charles asked, "The others and I usually go out to lunch together." Assuming that Max would also be at the meal, I agreed. Said goodbye to the team and to Sebastian before walking next to Charles.

"Are you and Sebastian arguing? Your mood is unpleasant, even for outsiders," I wanted to know. I liked the Germans and the Monegasque, but they didn't seem to get along so well.

Charles shrugged: "We don't really have anything in common, not even the music. I respect him and he helps me as a driver, but otherwise we don't talk to each other. Whatever it is, we are at completely different points in our lives as well as drivers."

"What about your love for Ferrari?", of course, they didn't have much in common in terms of their lives. But even Kimi got along well with Antonio and they weren't on the same level in their lives either.

"And what are we supposed to talk about? Hey, you're also a Ferrari driver, how cool?", I shrugged my shoulders. How am I supposed to know what the two of them could talk about, I haven't been a Formula 1 fan for years. So I didn't really know anything about the teams, but Ferrari was probably known to everyone. Even such new beginners like me.

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