Chapter 3

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"Hey y/n," Yangyang whispered, "Can you check my work? I don't think I did it right." I took his worksheet and looked over all his answers. To be completely honest, I didn't even know what was going on in this class, so I was the last person he should've asked for help.

"It looks good, but don't blame me if you get it wrong because I have no clue what's going on." I whispered.

"y/n, Yangyang, outstanding discipline for the two of you," Prof. Lee said. My eyes widened. Detention on the first day. There was detention in college?!

"Yes ma'am, sorry for being an inconvenience," I said quickly, trying to save myself from further scolding if I didn't answer.

"You two will come down here at the end of the day, 8:30 sharp." She said.

"Yes ma'am," Yangyang and I said in unison. I couldn't believe I got in trouble so early. I stared down at the work in front of me, dreading taking this class for an entire semester.

Jaemin nudged me slightly, "You okay?" He mouthed. I nodded, "I'm fine," I mouthed back. He smiled at me then went back to his work. The class was completely silent; I hated it. I considered taking out my headphones to listen to music, but immediately ruled it out, not wanting to get in any more trouble.


"You're all free to go. Yangyang, y/n, remember to come at 8:30." Prof. Lee said, letting us go. Finally out of that hell.

"What class do you have next," Jaemin asked as we left the classroom.

"English I," I answered.

"Geez, how many classes are we gonna have together," Jaemin said. I smiled at the fact I would have another class with Jaemin.


"That was the easiest class yet," I said, walking out of the English I classroom.

"Yeah, easy for you miss 'I speak four languages'," Jaemin mocked.

"If you ever need help, you can just come over. You already know where I live," I laughed, recalling the mess that got us talking in the first place.

"All thanks to Chenle being a lying shit to Jisung."

I felt my wrist being pulled, I turned around to see Yangyang. "You know you can just tap my shoulder, and not act like a predator by taking my wrist." I joked.

"Oh, sorry," he let go of my wrist. "I just wanted to say sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to get us in trouble."

"It's all good, maybe I can get to know you better," I said, trying to be as positive as possible. I'd hate for Yangyang to feel guilty. He smiled a gummy smile and hopped away.

I turned back to Jaemin, "Where's the dining hall?" I asked, since there was finally a break in my schedule for a meal. Lunch was so late, 2:30.

"Oh you do not want to eat the food here. I normally just go back to the dorm and make some ramen," he said. "I can make you some too if you'd like."

I smiled at the offer, my heart warm, "Sure."


"Ramen is like a college essential," Jaemin explained while boiling some water. I was sitting on the counter behind him while he cooked.

"My parents always said that I should learn how to cook so I wouldn't end up eating ramen everyday in college," I laughed. "I never really did learn how to cook though. One time I set off the fire alarm while cooking eggs."

"I've learned how to cook after taking care of Jisung for so long."

"How'd you meet all the guys?"

"We kinda just grew up together and didn't wanna split up after high school. So once Mark decided to come here, we all decided to follow in his steps." He put the ramen in the boiling water. "I would go to Jisung's house the most and would end up cooking for him after he would tell me he barely ate that day. It became some sort of habit. Like a second nature, ya know?" I smiled at how sweet it was. "Then Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, and I graduated, leaving Chenle and Jisung in their senior year of high school. I was scared Jisung wouldn't take care of himself, so I'd call him almost everyday. He hated it." Jaemin laughed.

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