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17' The River in Reverse

17' The River in Reverse

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Wanda ran into the mansion "Kol?" she shouted, she ran further into the house "Kol!" she yelled again. Wanda grew worried when he didn't answer.

Kol walked down the stairs to see Wanda pacing muttering something. "Wanda?" he said worried by her current state. Wanda looked up to see Kol there, she launched herself into his arms, Kol was quick to wrap his arms around her.

He looked down at her "What happened?" he asked her softly, "Klaus basically threatened you and I got scared he hurt you." she answered quietly, usually Kol would have made a snarky comment but he was enjoying Wanda's embrace too much.

"Where's Elijah?" he asked her, "Klaus bit him" Kol's eyes widened, he gently pulled her away looking into her eyes, "I'm gonna need you to explain what happened love" he said.

Wanda nodded leading him up to her room, they both sat on the bed. "When we left to get Hayley back we found out she was in the Bayou so, me, Klaus, and Elijah went to look for Hayley when Klaus and Elijah got into an argument then Klaus left on his own." Wanda started.

"Me and Elijah found Hayley, she told us that the baby can be used to sire hybrids." Kol's eyes widen. "Hayley thought Klaus knew and that he was going to use the child for that purpose, Elijah thought the same." Wanda said.

"Klaus got mad that Hayley assumed the worst and Elijah believed her. Then he bit him, then told me to wish that you didn't also get in his way." Wanda finished.

Kol sighed bringing Wanda into his arms "We should steer clear of my siblings for the moment." he states.

"Why?" Wanda asks "It's going to get messy, and I'd rather not have you or I in the crossfire, whenever we fight among ourselves it never ends well." Kol told her. Wanda sighed, Kol placed a kiss to her forehead. "Please trust me" he whispered in her hair. Wanda nodded "Always" she whispered.

Kol leaned down quickly catching her lips with his, Wanda was stunned for the moment but kissed back. Kol's hand went to Wanda's hair as their lips moved in sync, they felt a spark light up between them, an image of Kol getting killed flashed into her mind at that moment and  Wanda pushed herself off of Kol getting up. "I-I'm gonna get something to eat." she stuttered then left the room.

Wanda walked into the kitchen seeing Rebekah there, "You came back?" she asked her blonde friend. Rebekah turned and gave the girl a smile, "Nik basically said I'm not allowed to leave town." she stated angered.

"Well that's Klaus for you." Wanda said. "Wanda" Rebekah called out, the redhead turned her attention to the Original, "Stay away from Klaus and me for the moment." Rebekah said, Wanda furrowed her brows "Why?" she asked.

"Somethings going to happen but I don't want you in the middle of it same with Hayley." Rebekah said, Wanda went to open her mouth "Please" Rebekah said again not wanting her only friend to get killed or used. Wanda nodded, Rebekah sent her a small smile and left.

Little did they know it was going to be a long two days.


The next day came and it was a shit show. Rebekah and Klaus stormed through the doors of the house, as Kol and Wanda were at the bottom of the stairs. Wanda moved away from Kol's side.

Klaus had a dagger in his hand pointing it to Rebekah, Kol stiffens at the sight of it. At the same moment Elijah and Hayley arrived.

"Elijah's home, there's only one dagger. Which one of us will you be punishing today? Or will it be Kol?" Rebekah said.

"Kol, at the moment hasn't given me a reason to use it on him, no. But,I contemplated a game of eenie-meenie-miney-moe for you two. You betrayed me. My own sister!" Klaus shouted hurt.

"Niklaus, don't you dare!" Elijah shouted, "Perhaps it should be you, brother! Stealing my child away with every fawning moment of tenderness you show to Hayley!" Klaus shouted at his older brother.

"This has nothing to do with Hayley." Elijah sternly said.

"It has everything to do with her! She's adored you since she arrived. And now my child, my blood will grow up to call you father!" Klaus yelled, Wanda cringed at all the shouting.

"Is that what it is? You are once again worried that you will be left behind. Has history taught you nothing? We don't abandon you, Nik, you drive us away!" Rebekah intervened.

"Is that so? What have I done lately, other than cooperate? I bow down to you, brother, to make up for daggering you. For the greater good of our plan to reclaim our home. Looked the other way, sister. While you repeat the same cycle with Marcel, falling again for a man you shouldn't be with, while he controls the empire that we built! That he took! Now, I make no excuses for past sins. But in the one moment when you two could have chosen to stand by me, to believe in me, to believe my intentions for my own child were pure. You chose to stand against me, to side with my enemies." Klaus said hurt and betrayed.

"I wanted our home back. Now I have it. So I'm going to live there. And the two of you... you can stay here together... and rot. Wanda and Kol can stay with whoever they bloody want, I don't care anymore." Klaus said as he handed Elijah the dagger leaving the house.

"You're coming with me little wolf." Klaus said to Hayley. "Why would I go anywhere with you?" she said.

"Because, Hayley, that child you carry is the only thing on this earth that matters to me. Now you can fight me on this, but you will lose." he opens the car door for her "As will anyone else who tries to stop you getting in this car." Klaus said.

Hayley sighed getting into the car.


Rebekah approached Wanda, "Can I ask you for a favor?" the blonde said, "Can you go live with Hayley?" she asked.

Wanda turned to look at her, "What?" she said, "My brother has a habit of doing rash things when angered and he won't let me or Elijah go but you and Kol can." she said.

"I doubt Kol will want live with Klaus." Wanda said, "He said if you go, he'll go with you." Rebekah said having already spoken with her brother. Of course he did.

Wanda sighed, "Yeah, let me get my bags." Rebekah sent her a grateful smile, "Thank you,"

Wanda nodded and grabbed a bag starting to pack, the blonde left the room. Kol walked in "So we're going to live with my charming brother?" he said.

"I also want to look over Hayley, she has quite the habit of getting herself into danger." Wanda said, "If that's what you want, darling." Wanda internally melted at the nickname but shook it off scared of what it meant was happening to her.

"Wanda about earlier I-" Kol started but Wanda cut him off "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mislead you." Wanda said, "What?" Kol asked hurt, "It shouldn't have happened. I don't know what came over me and I wanted to apologize." she said again. Kol felt like his heart was torn in two, was she being serious?

Wanda turned around looking Kol straight in the eyes, "I'm sorry for giving you the wrong impression." she stated, but as she said that, it hurt her, because deep down she knew not for a moment did she regret what had happened. But that image of Kol getting killed stuck with her and felt like it would be her fault.

Kol's face flashed all types of hurt and anger, "Right, of course. So sorry for the burden I put on you." he said angry as he stormed out of the room.

Wanda's knees gave out as she sat on the bed, what had she just done?



{1} 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐬 , ᵏᵒˡ ᵐⁱᵏᵃᵉˡˢᵒⁿWhere stories live. Discover now