my mother told me that my friend's mom told her that i was acting depressed at school.
that i was closed off. not talking to anyone. sad all the time. didnt eat.
but that's not true. no matter how much i think about it, it isn't true.
i remember talking with people perfectly fine. laughing with my friends.
eating? no. but it was only because he didn't give us lunch money.
but when i try and think about it hard enough, i actually cant remember if i was closed off or not. or if i was talking and laughing with people or not.
how do i explain this feeling?
Poetrythis isn't a fanfic, this is just a place for me (and you if you'd like) to explain an emotion you felt or are feeling without actually knowing how to explain it. i felt like i wanted to make this for me and other to relate to these and find a plac...