|| Curse No More ||

574 54 33

I still have the scar.

I still see the dead.

I still walk past the same street.

But the difference is now I know what the scar meant.

The spirits,
The lost souls just needed help.

Needed help to fulfill their last wishes.

The girl who used to smile at me from the corner of my room was able to see her little sister, who was now in her teens.

The blind old man returned to his house and listened to his grandchild, who now had two adorable kids.

Both of them disappeared just like the boy.

They successfully entered their next lives.

And I helped them.

We helped them.

Soobin was always by my side.

He saw me smiling at the teenage girl.

He saw me cry over the two kids who were never able to meet their father's caring grandpa.

He held me when I broke down after each of the spirits disappeared.

His soothing voice calmed me whenever I had a hard day.

And most importantly,
he never stopped loving me, and neither did I.

I was thankful for the scar left from that one certain night.

Now I have someone who made me appreciate small things in life, which greatly impacted me.

Now I know how to love.

I still see the dead.

But it is not a curse anymore.

It's a gift.

~| The End |~

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