Chapter 12: From bad to worse

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Guys where's Holy?" He asked again in confusion.He was wondering why they were taking so long to answer him.

"That's what we wanted to know." Bea said before staring at Corbin. He was denying he took Holy but he was clearly lying. Cody and she as well as Cecil had seen him taking Holy, so he had to be lying. So why was Corbin denying ever taking Holy? Could he really be on the master's side and had he along with his brothers being pretending all along? Bea felt her heart beat quickening by the thought.

"You guys, I seriously didn't take her." Corbin said.

But none of them believed him.

"What did you do with my sister you jerk!?" Kevin yelled with an angry face. He then hit Corbin on his stomach causing him to squint with pain and bend down with his hands wrapped around his stomach. But Kevin didn't stop there. He hit Corbin with a fly kick causing him to fall hard on the ground.

"Kevin, stop!" Justin yelled from behind. "What are you doing?"

"Are you also in on this?" Kevin asked Justin

"In on what?" Austin asked after running towards them while shooting and dodging lasers.

"So what was the plan? To pretend to be our friends and then take Holy to use her as blackmail?" Kevin Asked ignoring Austin's question. He was so angry that the three brothers betrayed them. The only hope they had of getting out had turned out to be the opposite of hope.

"What?" Both Austin and Justin asked at the same time.

"You hit our brother and you're the one that's mad?" Justin asked in confusion before helping Corbin up from the ground.

"Oh, I'm not done with him yet." Kevin said right before he clenched his fist. He was about to punch Corbin when Cody held out his hand to stop him.

"Kevin, stop! This is not the way to handle this." Cody said. Kevin was having an evil moment without Witch Ville making him to have it.

"Corbin..." Bea asked with a pleading face to the weak guy in front of him "I am going to ask you again, where you have taken Holy?"

"You took Holy?" Austin asked with confusion.

Oh, please, like you didn't know." Kevin said.

"Look, I know it's hard for you guys to believe us when we are the master's son but we had nothing to do with Holy's disappearance. Right now what we should be doing is finding out what happened to Holy." Corbin said.

"Guys! Watch out!" Cecil shouted about ten feet away. There where laser lights everywhere and two where coming right at them. They jumped up and then down to dodge them and started shooting all the workers again. They couldn't talk about Holy's disappearance and Bea wasn't sure whether to believe Corbin yet. After all, she had seen him taking Holy with her own eyes. She shot two workers in the eyes. And they both went down with their laser lights. The more of them they shot, the less the laser light were. Bea could see a dozen of the workers already down on the floor. She continued shooting while dodging lasers.

"Finally!" she heard Cloe yell once all the workers were down.

"This chilli gun thing was a fantastic idea." Cecil grinned.

"Who came up with it anyway?" Carly asked

"Us." Austin and Justin said at the same time.

"Now do you guys really still believe we're on the master's side?" Austin asked Bea, Kevin and Cody

"Well..." Bea said "You did take Holy." Bea looked at Corbin.

"I already told you that I didn't." Corbin said with annoyance.

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