13 × Lovely;

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the very long awaited, last chapter. words cannot explain how sorry i am for not postinf anything but at the same time i am also very thankful for everyone's support :)) ily all, have fun reading! <3 /p

(y/n) and wilbur made their way to the entrance, scanning the tickets (y/n) bought as the sudden led lights flickered and loud yet calming music filled their ears.
"what are we waiting for? let's get some skates and pop off!" wilbur grabbed (y/n)'s hand as they made their way to a little "shop" to borrow skates.

"oh this is gonna be fun." wilbur smiled. he was really happy. they put on the skates by one of the benches that were by the entrance of the ring.

"i bet you're gonna fall at least twice." (y/n) smirked. wilbur scoffed as he smiled back, "we'll see if you're gonna be the one to fall or me, you know i'm stronger."
"stronger?! please, you start crying when I throw a pillow at your face!"

wilbur grabbed (y/n)'s hand as he got onto the ring and started zooming around it.
"watch out, don't fall, you know, don't fall and die you know." (y/n) laughed as they let go of wilbur, skating next to him.
"(y/n), problem there no is not, i will not fall." wilbur raised his hands like a king.
"let's just enjoy our time, the roller skate thing closes in an hour," (y/n) grabbed wilburs hand, "dance with me, will ya?"


"will i have a bruise on my butt? that actually hurt!" wilbur stated. "told you you're gonna fall, did you really not see that kid?" "well my bad i bumped into a kid, i'm older, the kid should watch out!" "alright wil, calm down." (y/n) giggled. It was almost 9 pm, closing time. Everyone was heading out to their cars, and soon enough it was completely emtpy.

It was starting to rain as wilbur and (y/n) made it over to the van. (y/n) looked over at wilbur, who was soaked in water. "told you to park a bit closer to the building."

wilbur shook his head, droplets of water hitting (y/n)'s face. 

"that's coold!" wilbur laughed at (y/n)'s face. "aw so sensitive." wilbur patted (y/n)'s head, as they scoffed. "hope your butt is gonna hurt forever." (y/n) smiled, "we should go now tho, it's quite cold." they continued. "of course, of course, no worries, well get to the hotel in a bit." wilbur assured them as he started up the car.

(at this point i lost track who was driving so lets just say wilbur is driving now and he already knew where the hotel was ihfjfeop)

they both arrived by the hotel at 9 pm. as soon as they walked in the warthm of the building hit their bodies. wilbur got up to the desk as he showed the lady a "ticket", the lady handing over a key. wilbur walked down the hallway as (y/n) followed after him to the room.

(y/n) fell onto the double bed, sinking into the warmth and cozyness of it. "wilbuur." they groaned, tugging onto their lovers jacket. "lay down." "(y/n), we gotta take a shower." wilbur let out a sigh, followed with a smile-ish grin. "stinky."

(y/n) sat up, looking at wilbur. "I am not stinky, I'm tired, we can shower in the morning. pleaaase?" (y/n) tugged harder onto wilburs jacket as the tall man fell onto them. "wil, you're crushing me!" they scoffed. wil let out a quiet laugh.
"goodnight dear." he layed down next to (y/n), cuddling them to sleep.


beep beep

the alarm clock went off as wilbur rolled to his side as he hit the snooze button.
(y/n) let out a small groan as they rolled over to their left side, hugging wilbur as a big spoon.
"how late is it?" (y/n) asked in a sleepy voice.
"5 am."
(y/n) let out another groan. "why are we awake so early?" they asked.
"oh you see, i have one more thing to show you, you gotta get ready quickly tho" wilbur said, hopping out of bed and opening the curtains.

after some time they both were ready to go to the last destination. they hopped in the van, wilbur in the drivers seat, as he drove to the nearby park.
"the park?" (y/n) asked confused.
"you'll see. come on."
they both got out of the car, walking down the path when suddenly wil took a turn to the right where they had to go through some bushes and trees as they finally got up to some hill. the hill was about 4ft tall, but it had a very nice view.
the park itself was placed pretty high, so from the hill you could see most of the city!

"(y/n)! look, look!" wilbur pointed to the sky, as a beatiful sunrise hovered over the city view.
(y/n) let out a small gasp, as they grabbed their phone to make pictures.
"it truly was worth waking up this early." they smiled as wilbur smiled back.

wilbur grabbed (y/n)'s waist, pulling them into a kiss. "i love you so much." he smiled.
"i love you more, wilby." (y/n) snuggled into wilburs chest as they both watched as the sun slowly crawled onto the sky.
colors changing from deep blue to a very beatiful pink-ish, purple-ish and yellow-ish pallette.

it was very lovely to look at.

wilbur looked down at (y/n).
"there is one more surprise." he whispered into their ear. (y/n) looked confused at wilbur as he grabbed their hand and went back to the van.

after a couple minutes of driving, the van parked by a small building. not many people were here. it was very nice and cozy.
"close your eyes." wilbur grabbed (y/n)'s hand as they closed their eyes and let wilbur lead them.

the couple stepped into the building as wilbur let go of (y/n).
"open your eyes." he said.
(y/n) opened their eyes, as shock and happiness filled them.

"happy birthday!" a crowd shouted.
(y/n) stood there, tears of joy slowly filling their eyes as wilbur came up to them.
"me, tommy, george, tubbo and ranboo decided to make you a special birthday. we decided to ask a local café and they agreed to throw a small party." he smiled, giving (y/n) a kiss on the cheek and a (gift size) sized box.

(y/n) grabbed the box as the bench trio ran up to them, giving them a hug and congratulating them.
"congrats (y/n)." george came up to give them a hug too.
"alright, birthday-love, let's make this the best birthday you've ever had." wilbur grabbed (y/n)'s hand, leading them to a special table as one of the workers brought the cake.

the cake was (description of your desired cake) with (desired topping, decorations etc). just how (y/n) imagined it would be.
"you know me so well wil." (y/n) gave wilbur a kiss on the cheek as they grabbed the knife and cut the first slice.

it was the best birthday ever. everything went as planned.

after the birthday wilbur and (y/n) decided to chill by the beach as they dipped their feet off the dock.

"so, how'd you like the birthday party?" wil asked.
"i loved it. every single detail of it." (y/n) said as they smiled at their feet. "thank you so much." they looked back at wilbur.
(y/n) grabbed wilbur by his shoulders, pulling their lover into a kiss.
"i love you the most." (y/n) smiled at wilbur.
wilburs eyes were lightly tearing up as he wrapped his arms around (y/n), hugging them close.
"i love you too."

childish adult | wilbur x readerWhere stories live. Discover now