Chapter 1

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Please don't be mean this is my first fan fiction.
-Chapter 1: The Daily Prophet-

Remus was sitting in a chair that was all scratched and old looking. It looked as if an animal or some sort of creature had been digging their claws into it. He was reading a book and sipping on his morning cup of tea.
When an owl flew by and delivered him the daily news paper. Lupin read it every morning. It was almost calming for him. Lupin put down his cup of tea on the little table next to the chair. Which the surface also looked as tho it had been attacked. He stood up and closed his book. It was an old book, and looked as tho it had been used a lot. The inside cover had writing on it. It said, "To Moony, Happy Birthday! From Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs." The book didn't have a scratch on it. Unlike everything else in the room. Remus returned the book back to its spot on his bookshelf. The bookshelf was full of books, most of them had at least a couple of deep scratches on them.
Remus walked from his study into the kitchen and retrieved the newspaper that was sitting on the windowsill. He walked back into the study and sat back down in the rugged chair. He started to drink.
He started to drink his tea again and opened the newspaper. It was called "The Daily Prophet." He began to read the front article. He froze when he saw the headline.
"Muggle murder, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban." His breath started to speed up, his hands started to shake, and then he suddenly couldn't breathe. His whole body was frozen, he couldn't move. He could feel his insides shaking, and he felt a cold sweat running down his back. The only thing he could do was read.
He read further down, every word he read made him feel worse. When he finished the article he was so worked up. He was hyper ventilating, his vision was going black, and he felt as tho he was going to pass out. He couldn't help it. No matter how much he tried to forget how he felt for the man who he believed killed his best friends he still missed him, but was still so hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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