First Period

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Megan's Pov
It was first period I was coping notes of the board and working on an essay for english. I need to go to the bathroom. I stood up and smiled at my boyfriend he looks so cute when he is thinking. I asked my teacher to go to the bathroom. She wrote on the bathroom I looked at the time. 8:30 only 20 minutes left of class. She handed me the note and I left the classroom and put my phone in my pocket. I walked to the bathroom dragging the note across the wall. The silence of the halls was pleasant. I walked into the bathroom and when I was done I washed my hands. I heard a distant bang but I blew it off until the intercom came on telling us there was a shooter in the building and we had to go lockdown. The panic set in I was scared. I ran into the stall and there was another girl in there she ran in with me. I texted my family group chat. Which had my brother,sister and boyfriend. We told each other where we were. Suddenly Lucas burst through the door. He said that his teacher was dead and the shooter just left the classroom. We huddled in the bathroom stall. One shot going off every minute.

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