The room

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Megan's pov

She walked us into a room. This room was filled with the whole football and cheerleading team. I asked why we were here she sat us all down.

You are all here because you ruined my life in one way. Remember the party Megan. Do you remember what I told you what you blew off like it was nothing. I have no idea what your talking that's what you said two weeks after I confronted you. Said I was "making it up". What the hell happened Megan? said kyle. Allegedly the whole football team put something in her drink took her to the beach and raped her. Tell him the rest. Well the cheerleaders made fun of her and called her a whore. This is all alleged though. Alleged I said as I started to cry. ALLEGED!!! How dare you. Do you know how it feels to wake up at the beach not knowing how you got there and having a gut feeling that something was wrong? Do you know how it feels to be a disappointment and never feel good enough to anyone? No you don't because your perfect. You have a perfect body, you're pretty,you have the perfect boyfriend,the perfect grades and the perfect life. You have been so perfect your whole life. I hate that word said Megan. I am not perfect. I don't have the perfect body I actually hated my body and my face and wondered if I was good enough. I don't have the perfect boyfriend we fight behind closed doors. I don't have the perfect grades I make mistakes and believe it or not I do make f's sometimes. And I don't have the perfect life. I make mistakes I fall, I cry,I don't feel good enough but I get back up I wipe my tears away and I tell myself that I am the best person I can be. So don't say i'm perfect because there are things you don't know about me there are things that all of you don't know about me. What like your cheating on a test? Sara says mockingly. No Sara I have dark secrets like you. Like What? I'm pregnant Sara. The whole room goes silent. She looks embarrassed but changes the subject. She looks at the boys. Y'all have nothing to lose now I want to know did you rape me? They all say yes. Wait all of you? Yeah they said.

Megan's pov
She started to get mad and cry so I took the opportunity. I kicked her into a closet and locked the door. She was banging on the door screaming and crying it hurt so bad she was kicking at the door. Everyone but Kyle and I escaped. We tried to get out but she opened the door. I stood there. Sara you don't have to do this. She was crying and she looked defeated. Sara you can put the gun down and rebuild your life you can forget about this. They took something from me something I will never get back plus I killed all of the teachers I will get life. She cocked the gun and pointed at me. She pulled the trigger and kyle jumped in front of me. When he fell to the ground I held him and cried not my baby. Please don't go. His last words were I will always love you. I sat there holding his limp body. I looked at her still holding the gun. You did this to him. The baby it is a girl.He was so excited to raise her. Because of you he will never hold his baby girl he will never hear her first cry. He will never see her crawl or walk. He will never see her first day of school or dance with her in the kitchen to there favorite song. He will never hold her after her first heartbreak or watch her graduate college or walk down the aisle. And because of you he will never hold his grandkids. So I hope you rot in jail thinking about how you took the only person I ever loved.

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