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"It was the funeral of f/n l/n. A villain who soon tried to become a hero but died a horrible death not long after one of her dead sisters came back to life. Her friends came around to see her. It is thought that a villain brought back the sister to do something to the poor girl-" the tv was turned off.

Kirishima and denki sat in there suits watching the news. "She's gone.." denki said. "I this is my fault-" Kirishima said crying again. "No it wasn't man. You did nothing but try and do the right thing. It's my fault for blaming you that day. I was mad. I'm so sorry" denki said side hugging Kirishima. "Thanks denki, I have to go" he said.

Kirishima walked to the bathroom and started to throw up. Denki came in "dude you left your- no not you to!" He yelled running to Kirishima. "Don't worry denki I think I'm just sick. No flower petals" he said trying to smile. You could tell both of there eyes were tired from little sleep. "Ok good" he said sitting down beside Kirishima.

"C-can I tell you something?" Kirishima asked. "Of course" denki said. "I-i had the Hanahaki Disease. I thought f/n was In love with someone else for a while. It never got as bad as hers. Once she died and I figured out she loved me or went away." Kirishima said crying. "I-im so sorry I didn't know." Denki said shocked. "It's ok it's gone but I wish I would have told her. I wish I could have changed everything" kiri said. "D-do you think this was planned?" Denki said

"What do you mean?" Kirishima asked
"Well clara came right as you both started to really like each other. She took everything away from f/n. Maybe- maybe it wasn't clara... Or at least a alternate of her." Denki said. Kiri looked in thought. "Maybe it could but why?" Kirishima said. "Maybe for revange" denki said thinking. "If so then I'll find clara or who ever it is and bring her to justice" Kirishima said denki smiled "me and you both" denki said.

Time skip

After the boys became heros. They hunted for f/ns killer. She was soon found and brought to justice. I turns out clara was a colon made by a villain who hated the lov for killing her family. F/n was a victim but the villain didn't see it that way. Denki got married to jiro and Kirishima soon found love with Mina but he never forgotten f/n. His love.... They all missed her but the past can not be changed. All they could do is move forward.

The end

Deaths Touch (kirishima x reader) Completed✅Where stories live. Discover now