switching things up [Chapter 2 Part 2]

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(Switch's pov)

So I was waken up and these four heroes introduced themselves. I can understand someone the others can't and there's this dude with anger issues, fun.

Tristam: well, our other friend should be back here with the rest of the people, for now lets get to know eachother

Switch: about that... Anyway you know why we're here!

Tristam looked confused. I'm guessing he thought we knew. Wait was he the reason I'm like this?! I could see remix sigh

Remix:you guys just appeared we don't know what happened

I could see the that cursor try talking small beeps came out but I could understand. Everyone looked at me as to translate. I was a bit shocked but I guess I did say I was his translator now

Switch: he said he can't remember anything

Tri was in shock. Tempo sigh a bit


Tempo:can we help in anyway

Player... I think that was his name shake his head as to say no. I could here the pink guy growl. He didn't wanna be here, MIGHT AS WELL BUG HIM!

switch: hey.. Permanent was it whats with the silent treatment

Permanent: I don't like this. Or anyone here

Tristam smiled And walk over to me and permanent

Tristam: come on, give us a chance. In paradise everyone is welcomed!

Permanent look away. I could hear something, it was that cube from earlier wasn't it? I think so I guess they came with the others. I could see tristam smile and dash over to the cube and hug them. I could see the cube look at all of us and wave

Cube: hello, I'm cube

The others had hid a bit. Permanent was shocked when he saw one of the people. A strange looking shape went next he was rather fast

Lycan: Nice to see ya! I'm.Lycan get used to the name!

He seemed energetic.. And full of himself kinda annoying proud but I shouldn't judge a book by its cover

Blixer: I'm Blixer and this is my brother  baracuda

Permanent had bowed when Blixer spoke what was that about kinda strange

(sorry for short chapter this was rushed)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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