A Love That Cannot Die

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Taylors POV:

I closed the door to my New York apartment as my guests exited the building. Today was February 14th or Valentines day as most people know it and I thought I'd do something nice for my fans which resulted in our valentines baking party at my house. I could not deny it was a nice way to celebrate. I was never one to take this so called "holiday" seriously but nonetheless I always found ways to make light of it. I was a strong believer in the fact that romance came in more forms than a man with roses and chocolates. But no matter how many times you told yourself you didn't need those type of things you always wanted them anyways. Sadly, I had nothing romantic on my valentines night horizon. I was spending this one alone this year. I looked down at my phone. I had been looking at it all day. Why? For some reason I did not know, I was still half expecting to get a call. I also wanted to call him myself. But as far as I was concerned he was half way across the world on tour not giving a second thought about me or this stupid overrated holiday. I guess I shouldn't be either.
I found myself fighting back tears at the thought of him not even caring. I hated this. I hated how I still cared. I hated how I wish he'd call. I hated still missing him. But despite the break up I was still a slave of the broken heart. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it didn't help missing someone on a day where everyone else had something you didn't.
It was still pretty early into the evening. The clock read 8pm by the time I decided to change. I exchanged my jeans and tight long sleeved pink shirt for nothing but an oversized tee and underwear. I crashed on the couch with a plate of the cookies I had made earlier and turned on some good old Law and Order reruns. Soon I wasn't completely alone as Olivia and Meredith joined me on the couch.

Harrys POV:

I had to see Taylor today. I had known this for some time and had completely budgeted my schedule around it. I mean it wasn't like I would be missing anything with the boys, they all had girlfriends to go out with tonight. I mean no we were not dating anymore. But for weeks I couldn't get her out of my head and I just had to see her and what better day than today Valentine's Day. In a perfect world I would have been at her New York home by now out to dinner dressed fancily drinking wine and possibly a movie, but the whole day had simply gone awry.
It was 8:02 and I had just gotten off the plane and was headed to my designated driver. The long delay had me stressed. I quickly jumped into the car and threw my luggage, which consisted of one bag of whatever shit I could pull together, into the trunk.
"Where to Mr. Styles?" My driver asked politely.
"Well let's see I need to pull something together so like a flower shop? Card shop? Oh and starbucks she loves starbucks."
He just chuckled as I spoke more to myself than to him and started driving. I really hoped she hadn't gone to bed or something already but I didn't want to text her a heads up because it had to be a surprise. God I hope she wouldn't be mad. What if she didn't want to have anything to do with me? What if she was out with another guy tonight? Her girl friends? All these thoughts flowed through my head. Damn I hadn't seen her in a long time.

Taylors POV:

Three episodes later there was a knock at the door. Who would come here at 10:30 at night? I carefully put a now unhappy Olivia off my lap and onto the pillows and hesitantly advanced the door. It was then that I remembered I had no pants on and my hideous glasses so I cracked the door open ever so slightly mostly hiding behind most of it.
"Hel-" I stopped mid word as I saw the frame of Harry at the doorway.
"Happy Valentine's Day." He said. I could tell there was some hesitance in his voice. This must have taken a lot of bravery on his part.
The amount of pure joy seemed to overflow inside of me that I fought for words. But I had to let him know it was okay. But all I could do was put my hands to my mouth in pure astonishment.
"May I come in?" He said with even more uncertainty.
"Oh yes sorry I just can't believe- I mean yes but- oh gosh, I'm not dressed. I don't know-" I was a mess.
But he came in and that was when I realized he had a small bouquet of roses and coffee for me.
"Oh wow thank you."
"I hope it's not too much I just really missed you and well yeah I had some time off and I wanted to say hi I guess." He finished.

Harrys POV:

"I'm happy you came, I really am" she said with a beaming smile and then continued into her frantic pace. A calm wave seemed to roll over me. She was just as happy to see me as I was her.
"Well I guess I should go get on clothes-
Oh wait! Can I get you something to drink first? But maybe I should put on pants first... Sorry I honestly did not expect anyone and I look terrible right now... Do you want a beer or something?"
I just laughed at her frantic attempt to decide what to do. She looked flat out adorable in her oversized shirt that barely covered her underwear and huge glasses with her messy hair. I pulled her in by her waist to stop her abrupt thinking.
"You look really cute" I admitted and she blushed.
"And I don't think you need anymore clothes" I smirked as the hand holding her waist slowly slid down giving her ass a squeeze.
"Let me go change" she insisted so I let her go.
While she was gone I helped myself to a beer and sat down on the couch stroking Meredith who was my favorite. I was impatient and I found myself stumbling on into her room after like a minute.

Taylors POV:

I looked around my room for shorts but was sort of unsuccessful. I threw off my shirt anyways and began searching for some comfy outfit to tide me over. I gave up and went to the bathroom and replaced my glasses with contact lens. That was when Harry came in. A slight knock then he pushed the door to my bedroom open.
"I'm not dressed!"
I started in what should have been a panic but what was the point? Was I going to act like he had never seen me in nothing but under garments before when we use to sleep together like this? No. I couldn't unlearn Harry Styles and I guess that was the hardest part of trying to move on.
He came in anyways like any guy would. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist for support.
"Now you just look sexy." He pointed out.
I smiled at him. "Might as well take off your clothes too and call it a party." I joked in a sarcastic tone. I noticed him bite his lower lip aka his signal he wanted me. He wasn't joking.
"Fuck with this," I whispered under my breath knowing I would regret this later as I leaned in to kiss him. I could just never learn. He could never learn. We were fucked.
So we made out despite out post break up status. He eventually put me down in order to unzip his pants as fast as humanly possible. Then he unstrapped my bra and massaged me as my fingers brushed through his hair. Ironic isn't it how easily one can fall back into their old habits without giving a second thought. From then on we just sprinted to third base and then some. The night escalated quickly and then ended just as fast. I laid in bed beside him as the clock read 1:09am.
"We got to stop doing this" I said still out of breath. He just let out and exasperated laugh and rolled over throwing his arm over my bare chest. He slowly began kissing my neck as both our breathing slowed.
"But I can't." He said in between kisses. "Because I still love you."

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