each and every sense

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The smell of alcohol consumed my nose as I felt Harrys hot breath gliding across my jawline. We had just gotten back from a night club with a few of Harrys friends. As of now a very drunk Harry was breathing down my neck in my LA living room accompanied by his (or more accurately our) best friends Niall and Ed. The room was mostly dark, simply illuminated by the dull TV screen and 3am moonlight from outside. We were all wasted thanks to Ed's purposed game of shots later in the evening.
"About done with her face there lad?" Ed commented at Harry breaking the current silence.
"Fuck off" he replied now newly determined to make out with me harder. My drunken self however did not back away which would have been the more polite thing to do.
Harry began to move his soft lips up my face to my own lips where he eagerly began kissing me by biting my lower lip. My arms laced around his neck and my fingers ran through his hair. I felt the other boys cold stares upon us but like Harry I used it as my drive. I lowered myself down on the couch so that Harry may lay on top of me. I then grabbed his free hand and placed it on my breast. Without second thought Harry happily took hold letting out a slight moan.
So what everyone was watching? Harry was my only focus.
"You two are insane" One of them commented popping what sounded to be another beer.
Harry kept his bright green eyes on me.
"Oh the things I would do to you if we were in bed right now," Harry whispered into my ear not even sidetracked by the want of another drink unlike his fellow companions.
"Mmmhm maybe that would be a good place to go," I partially played along.
"I just want to have sex with you," he said in his deep raspy voice.
"All you ever want to do is have sex," I commented back.
"Oh my god just go to the bedroom already." Niall griped in.
Harry chuckled then scooped me up in his strong arms and carried me down the hall into the master bedroom. He slammed the door behind him, most likely for emphasis. We both fell on the bed. I sat up, ready for whatever he was going to give me next. I craved his attention and was desperate for his touch.
"Take off your shirt" he said in a low voice as his was off within an instant.
"Ha you're going to have to do that babe," I said in raspy whisper.
Harry took this response as a turn on and crawled over to me. I spread my legs around his waist and let him slowly pull my tee shirt over my head and watched him toss it to the ground. My eyes followed his deep face as he sat in delight at my exposed body. With his stare upon me, I bottled up my feelings to be something of sheer embarrassment of his obsession yet pride in the fact he wanted me so badly. We sat in silence our skin inches away from each other. Harry then slowly leaned in for the perfect kiss. I happily greeted him a let my arms stretch along his back. His hands first placed at my hips slowly began wandering up my waist sending delightful shivers up my skin. He only paused our kiss for a moment where his hands found my bra strap. His drunken fingers began to fumble with the latch unsuccessfully and so I assisted him in his guilty pleasure. He was then able to take it off with ease and then again more staring. At first it was uncomfortable and sometimes I felt on guard but he slowly let that feeling melt away when his touch reached my bare skin and his lips let out a soft moan making me forget any type of insecurities. He was gentle and his hands were smooth. I closed my eyes to bask in the moment. My head was spinning and I couldn't make out a thing. All I knew was I wanted the man in front of me and I wanted him badly. With that I pressed my bare chest against his and began kissing his lips once more. This time our wasted heads were in a fumble for exact thoughts and our actions became less of our own as the alcohol swam inside. Before I could make sense of my actions I found my fingers fumbling with his pant zipper. I searched my brain for the exact explanation but all I could think of was I want this. This whole scene of stripping and staring and kissing and touching was all done in silence. Now however Harry began to talk. His words a slur and his thoughts incomplete I tried hard to listen but I wanted my pants off too now.
"You are so beautiful babe," he rambled on.
"I'm going to fuck you up."
"You're skin is soft"
"Shit touch me again"
"I love you so much"
These were some of the phrases whispered into the night. Sure enough we got our wish. We made love. Despite the fact our minds were jumbled, or that our guests below could probably hear every sound we made, or that we most likely wouldn't remember most of this tomorrow, or that we would be so banged up in the morning we wouldn't be able to function.
The moonlight reflected across the bedroom. I could smell Harrys alcohol breath, could still feel his strong, smooth hands on parts that were just mine, could still taste his lips that were pressed against mine until they stung, could still hear his light moans of pleasure, and if I tried hard enough I could see his strong silhouette in the illuminated room.

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