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We get to the dojo and I sit down with little strength in me. "Hey you-" "Stop. Asking me." I said cracking my back. Hawk looks at Miguel and shakes his head no as a sign on not to bother me. I start stretching not scared this time. But PISSED. At everything. I'm never going to escape the shit hole I'm in, I'm done, that's it fer me. I'm just a fountain of holy shitty dirty water. 

It was quiet for a while until Hawk broke the silence. "So uh I did some deep diggin on the way over when you guys were ahead of me and I found out that yeah. Sensei is defiantly Robby's father." "Wait it's true?" "Yeah somehow in the mix apparently sensei met a girl and they had a kid, which is Robby but no sighting of the father in over 16 years." "Damn. He really just opted out." "Yeah. I also found some other stuff." he said looking at me with the corner of his eye. 

"What?" "Yeah. Shocking stuff." he said smiling. "Like what?" oh shit. "Well did you know that there's this girl who ran away from her home state because-" "Hey guys did you hear?" Aisha said "No what." "Sam's dad started his own dojo, and he disses Cobra Kai." "Oh yeah uh-we heard of that." I said clearing my throat. "And you guys haven't done anything about it?" Aisha asked with an attitude. 

"There's nothing we can do." "Yes there is. If they punch first, then we punch back, harder. No mercy." Hawk and Miguel nodded smirking liking the idea. But I just rolled me eyes. 


"No Mercy Jenny." Kreese said in my ear in a serious tone. I take the anger outta me and give the dummy a roundhouse to the face, but missed my and inch FALLING on my face. "Ugh!" I said slamming my fist on the mat irritated. "Easy Jenny, use that anger towards the dummy." the class laughed. "Get back in line and try again. Focus more." Kreese demanded. 

I groan and walk to the back of the line. "Don't worry you'll get it." Jack said rubbing the side of my arm. "Pft I wonder how many broken hells it'll take." "Come on don't be like that." Jack said laughing. "I for one think you did great!" "really?" "Yeah of course! I gotta full load of butt." I slap him "Stooop." I blushed causing him to let out a goofy giggle. 


I clench my fist. "There's a lot of talk going around the Valley, about free karate. But everyone knows in life, you get what you pay for." he said pointing at me. "Hi." I said awkwardly waving letting the rest of the class laugh a bit. 

"You wanna really kick the competition-" he gets a guy to hold a bonsai tree in his hand. Sensei  kicked it up breaking it in half. My eyes widened. "Damn."

"Then you need to get your ass over here to Cobra Kai, screw that lame meditation bullshit what you need is bone crushing, face smashing, good ol American Karate." Sensei throws two punches and an elbow to the face to the plastic dummy in front of him. "enough about self defense, learn self offence, don't be a pussy. Join Cobra Kai and let me teach you, the way of the fist." he finished. Aisha stopped recording and we all smiled. "And did we get it?" "yeah I think so, looks good." Aisha smiled. 

"Good make sure the Cobra Kai snake comes in at the end. I want it to really pop. Make it chrome." Sensei said walking away. "And throw thunderstruck under it." "I'm pretty sure the rights to that song will cost too much." "No I already own it, caset's in the car." I let out a small giggle only noticeable for Miguel and Hawk to see. 

"And put one of those hash browns at the end you know like hash brown team Cobra Kai or something. And then SEND IT TO THE INTERNET!!" he shouted walking in the office. 

I couldn't hold it in and I started laughing. "Are you okay?" Hawk asked laughing at my laugh. "I'm sorry he-he-hahhaha." I started laughing hard kneeling to the ground and pretty soon the class started laughing with me. "Oiee" I said wiping a laughin tear from my face. 

Walls Up//Hawk Love story (Cobra Kai)Where stories live. Discover now