Never again

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The middle of the night was only crying. *baby cries* they both jumped up. "I'm up I'm up! Coming." They both rubbed there eyes. "Farah go back to bed I got her." She nodded her head and walked back. He started rocking the baby in his arms trying to get her to stop crying. "Shhh shh shhh." Bloom closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Next day
Farah opened her eyes and got out of bed. She looked at Saul and kept walking since she wanted him to get some sleep. She picked Bloom out of her crib and sat down in the rocking chair. Bloom opened her eyes and stretched. Farah started feeding her while going back and fourth in the rocking chair. "Your one day old." After feeding Bloom the baby started falling back asleep so Farah put her daughter in the crib. She walked over to the kitchen looking around for food for herself now. She grabbed some eggs and cracked them on the pan. The eggs were sizzling around while she sat down looking at some papers. She walked back over to the pan and dumped the eggs on her plate. She set the plate down on the table and walked back to the nursery. She grabbed the baby rocker and Bloom and walked back to the kitchen. She laid Bloom in the rocker so she could watch her while eating. The baby started crying right as she was taking a bite. She picked the baby up and started walking back and fourth. "Shhh let's not wake Saul up." She wasn't sure what she should do. "Do you need a diaper change?" She walked over to the changing bed and grabbed some wipes and a new diaper. After she put the new diaper on the baby fell back asleep. She brought her back to the kitchen so she could eat. Saul walked into the room smiling at his girlfriend and daughter.  "Did the crying wake you up?"  She looked worried trying eat her eggs. "No my alarm went off." She nodded wondering how she didn't hear a loud alarm from the small phone. "How is Bloom doing?" He looked over the rocker looking down at the sleeping baby. "Still crying but she's only a day old we can't blame her." She shrugged standing up taking her plate to the sink. His finger stroked the baby's cheek. He walked behind Farah hugging her. He grabbed the plate from her putting it in the dishwasher. "Hey, I wasn't done washing that." He pulled the plate back out showing nothing on it. "Its completely clean Farah." She crossed her arms. "Ya well there's a spot right-" He stopped her from talking. "Its a small spot the dish washer can do the rest." He smirked at his angry girlfriend. He chuckled a little. "Don't laugh at me Saul." She started walking away. "Where are you going?" She turned around and crossed her arms. "I'm going to get ready. I still have a job." He tilted his head. "Farah you gave birth yesterday you shouldn't go back to work the day after." Her eyes widened and she bit her lip. "Yes and I'm fine I'm going to go get ready now." He sat down next to the rocker watching his daughter sleep.

Later that day
Saul was training kids in the field. Farah walked up awkwardly to grab the stroller with there child to take her for the other half of the day. He stopped and told the students to get some water. "Do you have any more classes today?" He tipped his head back putting his water bottle in his mouth. "I have one more class then I'm done. I will probably go to the office-" he put his hand on her arm. "When your done with classes you should go home and rest." She grabbed the stroller. "Fine." She walked away with him knowing she was lying.

That night
"Maybe tonight she won't cry as much." Farah laughed. "She's 2 days old she's going to cry." He put his hands in the air. "I'm not good with kids this is my first kid." She crossed her arms playing around. "So we should take parenting class?" She smirked. "No no!" They both laughed walking out of the nursery with the sleeping baby. They both sat in the bed snuggling up next to each other. She scooted away towards the bed side table. "Where are you going?" She playfully rolled her eyes. "I'm grabbing a book I'm not going anywhere." She opened the bed side table and grabbed one of the many books. She sat back next to him putting her head on his shoulder. Later that night she put her book away and turned off the light. She laid down right next to Saul. They were holding each other trying to get some sleep before the baby wakes up and cries.

There was a loud bang of something breaking the window. There was loud baby cries. Farah jumped out of bed running to the nursery. She ran through the door. To nothing. She covered her mouth and fell to the ground with Saul coming up behind her. She had her head in her hands. Tears were coming out of her eyes not knowing what to do. "Saul! She's gone! She's gone." She didn't like saying that. She's gone. She jumped up out of his arms. She ran toward the window ready to jump out to follow what ever took her. Saul grabbed her holding her back from the window. "SAUL LET ME GO." She was crying trying to get out of his arms. "Farah you don't know where they went you'll hurt yourself jumping out the window. She stopped fighting and started sliding down. He went down with her holding her. "We have to find her Saul." Tears started coming out of his eyes. "We will find her Farah." She stood up grabbing her jacket. "What are you doing." She tried wiping her blurry eyes filled with tears. "I'm going to find her." She ran out the door with Saul behind her trying to catch up.

This was sad to write but it's not that good🥲 sorry that it took a while to update hope you enjoyed.

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